

      美 [ɡreɪt]

      英 [ɡreɪt]

  •       n.伟人;名人;伟大的事物;大事;名家;全部;〈英俚〉牛津大学学士学位考试
  •       adj.伟大的;优异的;贵族的;很多的;伟大的;擅长;巨大的;数量大的
  •       adv.〈口〉很好地;很好地;极好地;很棒地
  •       网络最大的;即比较字符的编码大小;最伟大的

      比较级:greater  最高级:greatest  复数:greats  





      great success,great pleasure,great importance,great progress,great power


      look great










      大的;巨大的;数量大的;众多的very large; much bigger than average in size or quantity




      (强调尺寸、体积或质量)很used to emphasize an adjective of size or quality


      非常的;很多的;极大的much more than average in degree or quantity



      伟大的;优秀的;杰出的;卓越的extremely good in ability or quality and therefore admired by many people




      美妙的;好极的;使人快乐的very good or pleasant




      重要的;重大的;给人深刻印象的important and impressive

      有影响with influence


      地位高的;位高权重的;影响大的having high status or a lot of influence

      健康in good health


      身心健康的;心情愉快的in a very good state of physical or mental health





      ~ at (doing) sth

      擅长;精通able to do sth well




      ~ for (doing) sth

      适合;(对…)有用very suitable or useful for sth

      强调for emphasis



      (强调某种情况)used when you are emphasizing a particular description of sb/sth



      (冠于家庭成员的称呼前,表示更高或更低一辈的亲属关系)added to words for family members to show a further stage in relationship

      较大的动物╱植物larger animals/plants



      (用于相似动植物中较大者的名称前)大used in the names of animals or plants which are larger than similar kinds

      城市名city name


      (与城市名连用,指包括市区和周围广大地区在内的区域)大used with the name of a city to describe an area that includes the centre of the city and a large area all round it


      be going great guns


      做得快;顺利;成功to be doing sth quickly and successfully

      be a great one for (doing) sth

      老做,总是做,喜欢做(某事)to do sth a lot; to enjoy sth

      be no great shakes


      不太出色;不太有效;不怎么合适;不怎么样to be not very good, efficient, suitable, etc.

      great and small

      大小;高低;贵贱of all sizes or types

      great minds think alike


      英雄所见略同used to say that you and another person must both be very clever because you have had the same idea or agree about sth

      the great …in the sky

      (人死后回到)天上的老家,天国,西天;(东西无用了进)博物馆used to refer to where a particular person is imagined to go when they die or a thing when it is no longer working, similar to the place they were connected with on earth

