

      美 [həv]

      英 [həv]

  •       v.有;吃;让;得到
  •       n.有钱人;(天然资源多的)富国;诈骗
  •       auxv.与过去分词连用构成完成时
  •       网络拥有;具有;现在完成时

      第三人称单数:has  现在分词:having  过去式:had  




      must,make sure,think of,suffer from,organize










      ~ sth

      有;持有;占有to own, hold or possess sth

      由…组成consist of


      ~ sth

      由…组成be made up of



      显示出,带有(性质、特征)to show a quality or feature


      ~ sth to do sth

      (通过行动)表现出(品质)to show a particular quality by your actions



      ~ sb/sth

      (表示关系)有used to show a particular relationship

      可利用sth available


      ~ sth

      能用to be able to make use of sth because it is available



      ~ sth

      有责任(或义务)to be in a position where you ought to do sth


      须要,有必要(做某事)to be in a position of needing to do sth



      ~ sb/sth + adv./prep.

      抓住;握着;支承to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned

      放╱保持在某位置put/keep in a position


      ~ sth + adv./prep.

      使放在;使保持(在)to place or keep sth in a particular position



      ~ sth

      感到;想到to let a feeling or thought come into your mind



      ~ sth

      患病;得病;染病to suffer from an illness or a disease



      ~ sth

      经受;经历;经验to experience sth



      ~ sth

      组织;举办to organize or hold an event



      ~ sth

      吃;喝;吸(烟等)to eat, drink or smoke sth

      做某事do sth


      ~ sth

      进行(活动)to perform a particular action

      生give birth


      ~ sb/sth

      生;生产to give birth to sb/sth



      ~ sth

      产生(效果)to produce a particular effect



      ~ sth

      收到;接到to receive sth from sb


      ~ sth

      得到;接受;受到to be given sth; to have sth done to you


      ~ sth doing sth

      接受(某人行为的效果)to experience the effects of sb's actions

      让某事做成have sth done


      ~ sth done

      蒙受(他人所为的后果)to suffer the effects of what sb else does to you


      ~ sth done

      让(他人)为你做(某事)to cause sth to be done for you by sb else


      要(或安排)(某人)做(某事)to tell or arrange for sb to do sth for you



      允许;容忍to allow sth; to accept sth without complaining

      使处于某状况put sb/sth in a condition


      使处于(某状态);使做出(某种反应)to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state; to make sb react in a particular way

      辩论in argument



      ~ sb

      辩过;胜过to put sb at a disadvantage in an argument



      ~ sb

      同(某人)性交to have sex with sb





      ~ sb

      欺骗;蒙骗to trick or cheat sb




      ~ sb/sth

      (尤指短期在自己家中)照料,照看to take care of sb/sth in your home, especially for a limited period



      ~ sb + adv./prep.

      (在家中)招待,款待to entertain sb in your home

      在一起be with


      ~ sb with you

      同(某人)在一起to be with sb

      工作for a job



      ~ sb as sth

      让,接受(某人承担任务)to take or accept sb for a particular role


      大多数含 have 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 have your eye on sb 在词条 eye 的名词部分。Most idioms containinghave are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplehave your eye on sb is ateyen.

      have done with sth

      结束(不愉快的事)to finish sth unpleasant so that it does not continue

      have had it

      情形很糟;不能修复to be in a very bad condition; to be unable to be repaired

      极度疲乏to be extremely tired

      毫无幸存机会;完蛋to have lost all chance of surviving sth

      将吃苦头to be going to experience sth unpleasant

      无法继续容忍to be unable to accept a situation any longer

      have it off/away (with sb)

      同(某人)性交to have sex with sb

      have it (that…)

      称…属实;说…是真的to claim that it is a fact that…

      have (got) it/that coming (to you)

      活该;罪有应得to be likely to suffer the unpleasant effects of your actions and to deserve to do so

      have it in for sb


      跟某人过不去to not like sb and be unpleasant to them

      have it in you (to do sth)


      有能力(做某事)to be capable of doing sth

      have (got) nothing on sb/sth


      不如;比不上to be not nearly as good as sb/sth

      not having any


      不愿听,不愿相信(某事)not willing to listen to or believe sth

      what have you


      诸如此类的事物(或人等)other things, people, etc. of the same kind
