high price




  •       un.高价
  •       网络天价;有料到;重价











      Itwasthehighprice fetched by Nortel'spatentsthatopened the eyes ofMotorola's directors,people briefed on the matter said.




      The balance scalesheld by the ridertomeasure out the grain,and the very highpriceof the grain seem to indicate scarcity of food.




      Although the highpriceof HPC itself,butitsexcellentperformancemake it agoodeconomy.




      You shouldknow: Intheabsenceofyoubefore your parents do notlikethis"boring", which is for bring up you topaysuch a highprice.




      It is nothing less than blackmail to ask suchahighprice.




      Hesaiditwasamatterofprincipleandhe couldn't accept it for such a highprice.




      Hemeanttosellthepearlin the capital for ahighprice,buthe was afraidofbeingrobbed on his way there.



      But,allin all,thisisabeautiful, capable laptop, as long youcanlive with itshighpriceandmediocre battery life.




      Careisjustlike the regularTigerShrimpandmaybejusta littlemoreattentionis needed due to the highprice.




      The highprice of oil, whose byproductdieseloil is used in yachts, did notseem to worry anyone in this rarefied crowd.

