

      美 [ˈɪntrəst]

      英 ['ɪntrəst]

  •       n.兴趣;利益;利息;关注
  •       v.使感兴趣;使关注
  •       网络爱好;趣味;利率

      复数:interests  现在分词:interesting  过去式:interested  




      great interest,Common interest,keen interest,strong interest,personal interest


      take interest,pay interest,show interest,lose interest,earn interest







      求知wanting to know more



      ~ (in sb/sth)

      兴趣;关注the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about sb/sth




      引人关注的性质;吸引力;趣味the quality that sth has when it attracts sb's attention or makes them want to know more about it




      业余爱好an activity or a subject that you enjoy and that you spend your free time doing or studying




      ~ (on sth)

      利息the extra money that you pay back when you borrow money or that you receive when you invest money




      好处;利益a good result or an advantage for sb/sth

      企业股份share in business



      ~ (in sth)

      (企业或公司的)股份;权益;股权a share in a business or company and its profits




      ~ (in sth)

      利害关系;利益关系a connection with sth which affects your attitude to it, especially because you may benefit from it in some way

      团体group of people



      同行;同业;利害与共者;利益团体a group of people who are in the same business or who share the same aims which they want to protect


      do sth (back) with interest

      加倍回报(或回击等)to do the same thing to sb as they have done to you, but with more force, enthusiasm, etc.

      have sbs interests at heart

      关心…的幸福成功;暗暗地替…着想to want sb to be happy and successful even though your actions may not show this

      in the interest(s) of sth

      为了;为帮助(或取得)in order to help or achieve sth
