

      美 [dʒʌst]

      英 [dʒʌst]

  •       adv.只是;就;仅仅;刚才
  •       adj.公正的;正义的;正当的;合理的
  •       n.正直的人;公正的人
  •       网络刚刚;正好;恰好




      a minute ago,only,barely,really,exactly













      ~ as…

      正当…时at the same moment as


      ~ as good, nice, easily, etc.

      不少于;同样no less than; equally


      (only) ~.~ after, before, under, etc. sth

      刚好;差一点就不;勉强by a small amount


      刚才;方才used to say that you/sb did sth very recently


      此时;那时;眼下;现在at this/that moment; now


      ~ about/going to do sth

      正要;正准备;马上就要going to do sth only a few moments from now or then







      真正地;确实;完全really; completely


      (引起注意、表示允许等)请,就used in orders to get sb's attention, give permission, etc.


      (提出请求、表示歉意等)请used to make a polite request, excuse, etc.


      could/might/may ~

      (表示稍有可能)可能,也许used to show a slight possibility that sth is true or will happen


      (表示赞同)used to agree with sb


      could/might just as well…

      不如;还是…的好used to say that you/sb would have been in the same position if you had done sth else, because you got little benefit or enjoyment from what you did do

      it is just as well (that…)

      (…)还好,倒也不错,还可以it is a good thing

      just about

      几乎;近乎;差不多almost; very nearly


      just a minute/moment/second


      稍等一会儿;请稍候used to ask sb to wait for a short time

      just like that

      (就是那样)突如其来,冷不防,不加解释suddenly, without warning or explanation

      just now

      此时;此刻;眼下at this moment

      目前;现阶段during this present period

      刚才;刚刚;一会儿前only a short time ago


      以后;一会儿后later; in a short period of time

      just so

      (做或安排得)井井有条,有条不紊done or arranged very accurately or carefully

      just then

      那时;就在那时at that moment

      not just yet

      这会儿还不;可能很快not now but probably quite soon

      I, etc. would just as soon do sth

      乐意做某事(跟所建议的事一样)used to say that you would equally well like to do sth as do sth else that has been suggested

