

      美 [laɪf]

      英 [laɪf]

  •       n.生命;寿命;一生;终身
  •       网络生活;人生;生物






      live life,enjoy life,save life,lead life,take life


      good life,hard life,quiet life,comfortable life,miserable life








      生存状态state of living



      生命the ability to breathe, grow, reproduce, etc. which people, animals and plants have before they die and which objects do not have



      人命;性命;人的存活the state of being alive as a human; an individual person's existence

      生物living things



      生物;活物living things

      时期period of time



      一生;终身;寿命;一生中的部分时间the period between sb's birth and their death; a part of this period



      (某情景或工作的)一段生活经历a period of sb's life when they are in a particular situation or job



      存在期;(某物的)寿命;有效期the period of time when sth exists or functions




      无期徒刑;终身监禁the punishment of being sent to prison for life; life imprisonment




      生活经历the experience and activities that are typical of all people's existences



      (某种方式的)生活the activities and experiences that are typical of a particular way of living



      个人生活;个人经历;个人生活某一方面的活动a person's experiences during their life; the activities that form a particular part of a person's life




      活力;生命力;生气the quality of being active and exciting

      艺术in art



      (绘画的)模特儿,实物,实景a living model or a real object or scene that people draw or paint

      传记story of life



      生平事迹;传记a story of sb's life

      儿童游戏in children's games



      (玩游戏者出局前几次机会中的)一次机会one of a set number of chances before a player is out of a game