move back




  •       na.(使)退
  •       网络后退;向后移动;搬回




      recoil,recede,shrink back,retreat,regress











      The takeoverhasled to speculationthat Aquilani couldbein line for asurprisemoveback to his former club.



      Notice that whileyoucanmovedownthe list,you can't moveback; a standardcursoris, as I saidbefore, forward only.



      As the children vacate the home,marriageexpectationsmoveback in the direction of the newlywedperiod.



      Buttheplan does not address when residents might be able to moveback into evacuated communities near the plant.



      Continue cueing as long asyouwanthimtomoveback, taking care to notetherestriction from the leadrope.



      The flight attendantisamazedand asks him what he saidto get her to moveback to economy without causing any fuss.



      But then oneof her parents became illandshehad to moveback to the parentalhomeoutsideTokyo.



      There is little space betweenthem and Ifeel like anintruder,butI don't moveback.



      She would moveback in with her motherandtransfertoaschool in a nearbydistrict.



      Formerlyresidentin New York,witharecently-lost goodjob and rentedhouseinLondon,henowplans to moveback to Texas.
