mother tongue




  •       n.母语;本国语
  •       网络本族语;本国语言;母语式

      复数:mother tongues  





      mother tongue



      母语;本国语the language that you first learn to speak when you are a child






      Chinese isnot my mothertongue, so ifI've writtensomethingwrongoroffended someone,I wish all of you could excuse me.



      Hespeaksnothing but his mother-tongue.



      I am lovingEnglishas if it were my wife,butI still cannot use it justlike my mothertongue.



      Enjoying her native culture and fondness for her mothertongue,at the same time, being capable of speaking at leasttwoforeignlanguages.



      of the totalvocabulary of hismothertongue.



      Mothertongueis the firstlanguage that aperson picks up andisusually the standardlanguageordialectof that particular ethnic group.



      It isworryingthatthe overall trendnowseems to be for one to treat one'smothertongueas a foreign language.



      refersto the child's acquisition of his mothertongue, i. e. how the child comes tounderstandand speak the language ofitscommunity.



      As for a Chinese student,hismothertongueisthemain factor to interfere with his learningEnglishpronunciation.



      The mostseriousonewastoassume that our mothertongueconstrains our minds andpreventsus from beingable to thinkcertainthoughts.
