

      美 [wʌns]

      英 [wʌns]

  •       adv.一次;曾经;仅一次;根本
  •       conj.一旦;一…就;当…时候
  •       n.一次
  •       adj.从前的
  •       网络一度;一奏倾情;有一次




      some time ago,formerly,previously,a long time ago,as soon as


      the moment,the instant,immediately









      仅一次;一次on one occasion only; one time


      曾;曾经at some time in the past


      (用于否定句、疑问句和 if 后)曾,根本used in negative sentences and questions, and afterif to mean ‘ever’ or ‘at all’


      all at once


      一起;同时all together; at the same time

      at once

      立即;马上immediately; without delay

      同时at the same time

      (just) for once|just this once


      仅此一次(与通常情况对比而言)on this occasion (which is in contrast to what happens usually)

      going once, going twice, sold

      (拍卖师用语)一次,二次,成交said by an auctioneer to show that an item has been sold

      once again|once more

      再一次;再次one more time; another time

      once a…, always a…

      (表示一个人不能改变) 一次为…便永远是…used to say that sb cannot change

      once and for all

      最终地;最后地;彻底地;一次了结地now and for the last time; finally or completely

      once bitten, twice shy

      一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳after an unpleasant experience you are careful to avoid sth similar

      once in a blue moon


      极少地;难得地;破天荒地very rarely

      (every) once in a while


      once or twice

      一两次;几次a few times

      once too often

      侥幸难再used to say that sb has done sth wrong or stupid again, and this time they will suffer because of it

      once upon a time

      (用于故事的开头)从前,很久以前used, especially at the beginning of stories, to mean ‘a long time in the past’
