

      美 [aʊt]

      英 [aʊt]

  •       adv.出去;外出;离开;出于
  •       n.出路;回避的方法;托辞
  •       prep.〈美〉通过(门,窗等)而出;〈美口〉沿着…而去
  •       adj.已公开同性恋身份的
  •       int.〈古〉表示“愤慨”“谴责”等
  •       v.揭露
  •       网络输出(output);开出;出局

      第三人称单数:outs  现在分词:outing  过去式:outed  





      get out,take out,sort out


      find out,wipe out









      ~ (of sth)

      (从…里)出来away from the inside of a place or thing


      ~ (of sth)

      不在家;不在工作地点;外出away from or not at home or their place of work


      ~ (of sth)

      出去;离开(某地)边缘away from the edge of a place


      ~ (of sth)

      远离(某地或陆地);离(某地或陆地)a long or a particular distance away from a place or from land


      ~ (of sth)

      除掉;清除used to show that sth/sb is removed from a place, job, etc.


      ~ of sth/sb

      (表示来源)从,用…制作used to show that sth comes from or is obtained from sth/sb


      ~ of sth

      没有;缺少used to show that sb/sth does not have any of sth


      ~ of sth

      (表示不在原状态)脱离,离开used to show that sb/sth is not or no longer in a particular state or condition


      ~ (of sth)

      (表示不再参与某事)脱离used to show that sb is no longer involved in sth


      ~ of sth

      (表示原因)因为,出于used to show the reason why sth is done


      ~ of sth

      从(某个数目或集)中from a particular number or set


      不在图书馆;已借出not in the library; borrowed by sb else


      在退潮期;退潮at or towards its lowest point on land


      (日、月、星辰)出现,未被云遮住if the sun, moon or stars are or comeout , they can be seen from the earth and are not hidden by clouds


      开放fully open


      公开;发行available to everyone; known to everyone


      大声地clearly and loudly so that people can hear



      已公开同性恋身份having told other people that you are homosexual


      出局if a team or team member isout , it is no longer their turn with the bat


      出界if the ball isout , it landed outside the line


      ~ (in sth)

      错误;不准确not correct or exact; wrong


      不可能;不允许not possible or not allowed


      过时not fashionable


      熄灭not or no longer burning or lit


      结束at an end





      罢工on strike


      到底;完全地to the end; completely


      be out for sth/to do sth

      试图得到(或做)to be trying to get or do sth

      out and about

      病愈后能外出走动able to go outside again after an illness

      遍游某地travelling around a place

      out of here


      走;离去;离开going or leaving

      out of it

      (觉得自己是外人而)不是味儿sad because you are not included in sth

      (因酒或药物作用而对周围事情)茫然不觉,昏昏然not aware of what is happening, usually because of drinking too much alcohol, or taking drugs


