

      美 [ækt]

      英 [.eɪ siː 'tiː]

  •       n.行为;行动;法令;假装
  •       v.行动;做事;起作用;假装
  •       abbr.同“Association of Classroom Teachers”
  •       网络动作游戏;动作(action);表演

      复数:acts  现在分词:acting  过去式:acted  




      illegal act,brave act,criminal act,heroic act,noble act


      act responsibly,act decisively,act independently,act swiftly,act unilaterally


      commit act,act apply,director act,President act,act agent








      作为sth that sb does



      行为;行动;所为a particular thing that sb does




      (议会通过的)法案,法令a law that has been passed by a parliament




      假装a way of behaving that is not sincere but is intended to have a particular effect on others

      戏剧;娱乐in play/entertainment



      (戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕one of the main divisions of a play, an opera , etc.



      一段表演one of several short pieces of entertainment in a show



      表演者;音乐人组合a performer or group of musicians


      act of God

      天灾;不可抗力(如风暴、洪水、地震)an event caused by natural forces beyond human control, such as a storm, a flood or an earthquake

      be/get in on the act


      参与;插一手to be/become involved in an activity that sb else has started, especially to get sth for yourself

      do, perform, stage a disappearing/vanishing act


      隐藏踪迹;潜踪隐迹to go away or be impossible to find when people need or want you

      get your act together


      集中精力to organize yourself and your activities in a more effective way in order to achieve sth

      a hard/tough act to follow

      令人望尘莫及的人a person who is so good or successful at sth that it will be difficult for anyone else coming after them to be as good or successful

      in the act (of doing sth)

      正在(做某事);当场while you are doing sth
