

      美 [bɪɡ]

      英 [bɪɡ]

  •       adv.大大;给人印象深地
  •       n.大亨;大公司
  •       adj.巨大的;年龄较大的;重大的;严重的
  •       网络大昭和;飞越未来(Big.);真爱上错身

      比较级:bigger  最高级:biggest  





      big mistake,big thing,big Fan,big brother,big surprise










      (体积、程度、数量等)大的,巨大的large in size, degree, amount, etc.








      重大的;严重的important; serious




      庞大的;宏大的needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed




      大受欢迎的;成功的popular with the public; successful




      热衷于…的;狂热的enthusiastic about sb/sth

      大量做doing sth a lot


      经常(或大量)做某事的doing sth often or to a large degree



      ~ of sb

      大方的;慷慨的kind or generous


      be/get too big for your boots

      自视过高;妄自尊大to be/become too proud of yourself; to behave as if you are more important than you really are

      a big cheese


      大人物;要员an important and powerful person, especially in an organization

      big deal!


      没什么了不起used to say that you are not impressed by sth

      the big enchilada


      首要人物(或事物)the most important person or thing

      a big fish (in a small pond)

      (小圈子里的)大人物an important person (in a small community)

      a big girls blouse


      懦弱的男人;胆小没自信的男人a weak man, who is not brave or confident

      a big noise/shot/name

      大人物;要人an important person

      the big picture


      整个局面;大局the situation as a whole

      the big stick


      大棒政策(以武力或权力相威胁)the use or threat of force or power

      the big three, four, etc.

      三(或四等)强;前三个(或四个等)首要的国家(或人物、公司等)the three, four, etc. most important countries, people, companies, etc.

      give sb/get a big hand

      给某人╱受到鼓掌喝彩to show your approval of sb by clapping your hands; to be applauded in this way

      have a big mouth

      嘴不严;爱泄露秘密to be bad at keeping secrets

      多嘴;吹牛;自吹自擂to talk too much, especially about your own abilities and achievements

      me and my big mouth


      我真多嘴;真不该说出来used when you realize that you have said sth that you should not have said

      no big deal


      没什么大不了;无所谓;没关系used to say that sth is not important or not a problem

