

      美 [bloʊ]

      英 [bləʊ]

  •       v.吹;刮;吹动;吹奏(哨子、乐器等)
  •       n.(用手、武器等的)猛击;打击;挫折;吹
  •       int.表示厌烦
  •       网络美国毒枭;爆炸;吹气

      过去式:blew blown  过去式:blew  第三人称单数:blows  现在分词:blowing  过去分词:blown  





      heavy blow,severe blow,hard blow,deadly blow,serious blow


      blow nose,blow horn,soften blow,blow trumpet,give blow








      — see also


      口from mouth



      吹to send out air from the mouth

      风of wind



      (+ adv./prep.)

      刮;吹when the wind or a current of airblows , it is moving; whenit blows , the wind is blowing

      风╱口吹动move with wind/breath



      (被)刮动,吹动to be moved by the wind, sb's breath, etc.; to move sth in this way




      ~ (sth)

      吹,吹奏(哨子、乐器等);(哨子、乐器等)吹奏出音if youblow a whistle, musical instrument, etc. or if a whistle, etc.blows , you produce a sound by blowing into the whistle, etc.

      鼻your nose



      ~ your nose

      擤(鼻子)to clear your nose by blowing strongly through it into a tissue or handkerchief

      吻a kiss



      ~ (sb) a kiss

      (向某人)送飞吻to kiss your hand and then pretend to blow the kiss towards sb

      使成形shape sth



      ~ sth

      吹出(某物);把(某物)吹出形状to make or shape sth by blowing




      ~ (sth)

      (使保险丝)熔化,烧断if a fuseblows or youblow a fuse , the electricity stops flowing suddenly because the fuse (= a thin wire) has melted because the current was too strong




      破裂;爆裂;爆胎to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make a tyre break in this way

      炸药with explosives



      ~ sth

      炸开to break sth open with explosives





      ~ sth

      泄露;暴露to make known sth that was secret





      ~ sth (on sth)

      (在某事物上)花大钱,挥霍to spend or waste a lot of money on sth





      ~ sth

      浪费(机会)to waste an opportunity





      ~ sb/sth

      (表示生气、吃惊或不在乎)used to show that you are annoyed, surprised or do not care about sth

      突然离开leave suddenly



      ~ (sth)

      突然离开(某地)to leave a place suddenly


      blow your/sbs brains out

      枪击头部自杀╱杀人to kill yourself/sb by shooting yourself/them in the head

      blow chunks

      呕;呕吐to vomit

      blow a fuse


      大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angry

      blow the gaff (on sb/sth)


      (尤指因大意)泄露秘密to tell sth secret, especially by mistake

      blow hot and cold (about sth)


      拿不定主意;出尔反尔to change your opinion about sth often

      blow sb/sth out of the water

      彻底摧毁;毁灭to destroy sb/sth completely

      (以更加优异者)表明…不好,显得…差得多to show that sb/sth is not good by being very much better than it/them

      blow smoke (up sbs ass)

      吹牛皮;说大话蒙人to try to trick sb or lie to sb, particularly by saying sth is better than it really is

      blow your mind


      使某人兴奋(或吃惊)to produce a very strong pleasant or shocking feeling

      blow your own trumpet


      自吹自擂to praise your own abilities and achievements

      blow your top


      大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angry

      blow up in sbs face

      事情失败,害了自己if a plan, etc.blows up in your face , it goes wrong in a way that causes you damage, embarrassment, etc.

      blow the whistle on sb/sth


      告发to tell sb in authority about sth wrong or illegal that sb is doing

