

      美 [si]

      英 [siː]

  •       v.看;参见;看见;见到
  •       n.主教(或大主教)教区;主教(或大主教)权限;牧座
  •       网络看到;看出;明白

      第三人称单数:sees  现在分词:seeing  过去式:saw  过去分词:seen  





      see doctor,see film,hope see,see movie,see world


      clearly see,probably see








      用眼use eyes



      看见;见到;看出to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes



      看得见;看;有视力to have or use the power of sight




      ~ sth

      观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等)to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc.

      检索资料look up information



      ~ sth

      见;参见to look at sth in order to find information

      偶然遇见meet by chance



      ~ sb

      遇见;碰到;邂逅to be near and recognize sb; to meet sb by chance




      ~ sb

      拜访;看望;探视to visit sb

      会见have meeting



      ~ sb (about sth)

      会见;会晤to have a meeting with sb

      度过时间spend time



      ~ sb

      与(某人)待在一起;交往to spend time with sb




      理解;明白;领会to understand sth

      认为have opinion



      ~ sth + adv./prep.

      认为;看待to have an opinion of sth




      设想;想象to consider sth as a future possibility; to imagine sb/sth as sth

      弄清find out



      (通过查看、打听、等待)弄清,了解to find out sth by looking, asking or waiting



      考虑;定夺to find out or decide sth by thinking or considering

      确保make sure



      ~ that…

      确保;务必(做到)to make sure that you do sth or that sth is done




      ~ sth

      经历;遭受to experience or suffer sth

      见证事件witness event



      ~ sth

      为…发生的时间to be the time when an event happens



      ~ sth

      为…发生的地点to be the place where an event happens




      ~ sb + adv./prep.

      送;护送to go with sb to help or protect them


      大多数含 see 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 not see the wood for the trees 在词条 wood 下。Most idioms containingsee are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplenot see the wood for the trees is atwood .

      for all (the world) to see

      明显;显而易见clearly visible; in a way that is clearly visible

      let me see/lets see


      让我╱咱们看看;让我╱咱们想一想used when you are thinking or trying to remember sth

      see sth coming

      料到会有问题;意识到会出麻烦to realize that there is going to be a problem before it happens

      see for yourself

      亲自看,亲自了解(以核实)to find out or look at sth yourself in order to be sure that what sb is saying is true

      see sb/sth for what they are/it is

      看清某人(或事物)的真实状况(不是表面那样)to realize that sb/sth is not as good, pleasant, etc. as they/it seem

      seeing that…

      鉴于;由于;因为because of the fact that…

      see you (around)|(Ill) be seeing you|see you later



      you see


      (作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道used when you are explaining sth
