

      美 [set]

      英 [set]

  •       v.设置;放;树立;安排
  •       n.集;集合;一套;电视机
  •       adj.位于(或处于)…的;安排好的;确定的;固定的
  •       abbr.(=safe electronic transaction)安全电子交易
  •       网络套装;设定(Settings);组

      现在分词:setting  第三人称单数:sets  





      set example,set time,set record,standard set,set level


      set text,set policy,set question











      ~ sth/sb + adv./prep.

      放;置;使处于to put sth/sb in a particular place or position



      使处于某种状况;使开始to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state; to start sth happening




      ~ sth + adv./prep.

      把故事情节安排在;以…为…设置背景to place the action of a play, novel or film/movie in a particular place, time, etc.




      ~ sth (+ adv./prep.)

      设置;调整好;安排就绪to prepare or arrange sth so that it is ready for use or in position




      ~ a/the table (for sb/sth)

      摆放餐具to arrange knives, forks, etc. on a table for a meal




      镶嵌to put a precious stone into a piece of jewellery




      ~ sth

      安排;确定;决定to arrange or fix sth; to decide on sth

      榜样、规范等example/standard, etc.



      ~ sth

      树立;创立;开创to fix sth so that others copy it or try to achieve it




      ~ sth (for sb).~ sb (to do sth)

      布置;分配;指派to give sb a piece of work, a task, etc.

      凝固become firm



      凝固;凝结to become firm or hard




      ~ sth

      使现出坚定的表情to fix your face into a firm expression




      ~ sth

      固定发型;做头发to arrange sb's hair while it is wet so that it dries in a particular style




      ~ (sth)

      把(断骨)复位;接(骨)to put a broken bone into a fixed position and hold it there, so that it will heal; to heal in this way

      为印刷for printing



      ~ sth

      排版to use a machine or computer to arrange writing and images on pages in order to prepare a book, newspaper, etc. for printing

      为歌词谱曲words to music



      ~ sth (to sth)

      为…谱曲;给…配乐to write music to go with words

      太阳;月亮of sun/moon



      落(下)to go down below the horizon


