sharp drop




  •       un.急剧下降;急刷下降;暴跌
  •       网络急剧得下落;下降幅度显示器















      But the sharpdrop in Februarycomparedwith a year ago wasunexpected;economistshadbeenpredicting little change.



      So far, those supplychainsseemtobeintact,partlyhelped by thesharpdrop in the priceofoil.



      On September 29 heavyrains and achange in the winddirection brought asharpdrop in theAirPollution Index inBorneoandMalaysia.



      Afteraweek after a sharpdropin the price of steel,steelmarketadjustingtolasttrend,However, the cost of supportingeffect.



      In a what-ifscenario run forTheWall StreetJournal, IHS Global Insight examined the likelyeffects of a furthersharpdropin the dollar.



      So the bestnewsoftheweek,buried under all the headlines about fallingbankshareprices, was the sharpdropin the price of oil.



      Buthenotesthatthemarket's sharpdrop also comesatatime when analysts are reducing their earningsestimatesfor the fourth quarter.



      My last bosssaid the sharpdrop in marketdemandreducedorders,theyhad to cut the costthroughdownsize.



      The World Health Organization says there has been a sharpdrop in the number ofdeaths among children under agefive.



      it was similar to the book'stopic selection,releasecyclebecomingshorter and shorter, the sharpdrop in average set of type.
