

      美 [saɪd]

      英 [saɪd]

  •       n.边;身边;一边;一面
  •       adj.旁;横;副的;片面的
  •       v.支持;偏袒;宽度仅有…;站在…的一边
  •       网络旁边;侧面;方面

      复数:sides  现在分词:siding  过去式:sided  




      dark side,wrong side,bright side,high side,opposite side


      take side,see side,leave side,stand side,come side











      (由想象的中线分出的)一边,一侧either of the two halves of a surface, an object or an area that is divided by an imaginary central line



      (事物左方或右方的) 一旁,一边,一侧a position or an area to the left or right of sth

      侧面not top or bottom



      侧面one of the flat surfaces of sth that is not the top or bottom, front or back



      斜面;垂直面the vertical or sloping surface around sth, but not the top or bottom of it




      边缘;边a part or an area of sth near the edge and away from the middle

      身体of body



      侧面;胁either the right or left part of a person's body, from the armpit (= where the arm joins the body) to the hip

      某人╱某物的近旁near to sb/sth



      近旁;旁边;身边a place or position very near to sb/sth

      平而薄的东西of sth flat and thin



      一面either of two surfaces of sth flat and thin, such as paper or cloth




      一面纸的文字the amount of writing needed to fill one side of a sheet of paper




      (立体的)面any of the flat surfaces of a solid object



      (平面图形的)边any of the lines that form a flat shape such as a square or triangle



      (构成形容词)有…面(或边)的used in adjectives to state the number or type of sides

      战争;争论in war/argument



      一方;一派one of the two or more people or groups taking part in an argument, war, etc.



      一方的意见(或态度、立场)one of the opinions, attitudes or positions held by sb in an argument, a business arrangement, etc.




      方面a particular aspect of sth, especially a situation or a person's character

      优越感feeling that you are better




      优越感;架子a feeling that you are better than other people

      运动队sports team



      运动队a sports team

      亲属of family



      母系;父系;血统the part of your family that people belong to who are related either to your mother or to your father




      一扇(牛肉╱熏猪肉等)one of the two halves of an animal that has been killed for meat

      电视频道TV channel




      电视频道a television channel


      come down on one side of the fence or the other

      二者择其一;支持两方中的一方to choose between two possible choices

      from side to side

      左右来回(摇摆)moving to the left and then to the right and then back again

      get on the right/wrong side of sb

      讨得某人的欢心;惹得某人恼怒to make sb pleased with you/annoyed with you

      have sth on your side

      有…的优势to have sth as an advantage that will make it more likely that you will achieve sth

      let the side down

      使自己人失望;未能帮助(或支持)自己的一方to fail to give your friends, family, etc. the help and support they expect, or to behave in a way that makes them disappointed

      not leave sbs side

      (尤指为了照顾)不离某人左右to stay with sb, especially in order to take care of them

      on/from all sides|on/from every side

      从四面八方;到处in or from all directions; everywhere

      on the big, small, high, etc. side


      稍偏大(或小、高等)slightly too big, small, high, etc.

      on the other side of the fence

      与自己所处情况不同的一面;事物的另一面in a situation that is different from the one that you are in

      on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc.


      不到╱已过 40 岁(或 50 岁等)younger or older than 40, 50, etc. years of age

      on the side

      作为副业;兼职;在正事之外in addition to your main job

      秘密地;偷偷摸摸地;非法地secretly or illegally

      作为配菜served at the same time as the main part of the meal, but on a separate plate

      on/to one side

      在(或到)一边;在(或到)一旁out of your way

      搁置;暂不处理to be dealt with later

      be on sbs side

      站在某人一边;和某人观点一致to support and agree with sb

      the other side of the coin

      事情的另一面the aspect of a situation that is the opposite of or contrasts with the one you have been talking about

      side by side

      并排;并肩地close together and facing in the same direction

      并行不悖;相安无事together, without any difficulties

      take sides

      表示支持一方;表明立场to express support for sb in a disagreement

      take/draw sb to one side

      把某人拉到一边(悄悄说话)to speak to sb in private, especially in order to warn or tell them about sth

      this side of…

      在…之前before a particular time, event, age, etc.
