

      美 [pis]

      英 [piːs]

  •       n.块;片;条;段
  •       v.结合;接;拼合;修理
  •       网络件;碎片;一块

      复数:pieces  现在分词:piecing  过去式:pieced  





      small piece,single piece,little piece,large piece,important piece


      play piece,get piece,pick piece,buy piece,write piece








      分离的量separate amount



      ~ (of sth)

      片;块;段;截;标准的量an amount of sth that has been cut or separated from the rest of it; a standard amount of sth




      碎片;碎块one of the bits or parts that sth breaks into



      零件;部件one of the parts that sth is made of

      单件single item



      (尤指一套中的)一件,一台a single item of a particular type, especially one that forms part of a set



      ~ of sth

      条;项;点used with many uncountable nouns to describe a single example or an amount of sth



      ~ (of sth)

      (文章、艺术品、音乐作品等的)一件,一篇,一首,一支a single item of writing, art, music, etc. that sb has produced or created

      新闻报道news article



      (新闻传媒的)文章,报道an article in a newspaper or magazine or a broadcast on television or radio




      (某价值的)硬币a coin of the value mentioned

      国际象棋等in chess, etc.



      棋子one of the small figures or objects that you move around in games such as chess

      份额share of sth



      ~ of sth

      部分;份额a part or share of sth




      枪支;枪a gun





      短距离;一小段距离a short distance


      a/some piece of work


      了不起的人;与众不同的人used to express the fact that you admire sb or find them amusing, often when they have done sth that surprises you

      fall to pieces

      变得破旧不堪to become very old and in bad condition because of long use

      停止运作;崩溃;瓦解to stop working; to be destroyed

      give sb a piece of your mind


      表明对某人的行为不满;向某人表示恼火to tell sb that you disapprove of their behaviour or are angry with them

      go to pieces


      身心崩溃;沮丧至极to be so upset or afraid that you cannot manage to live or work normally

      (all) in one piece


      安然无恙(尤指旅行或经历危险之后)safe; not damaged or hurt, especially after a journey or dangerous experience

      (all) of a piece

      一模一样;相仿all the same or similar

      同时;一起all at the same time

      pick/pull/tear sb/sth to pieces/shreds


      严厉斥责;痛斥;批评得体无完肤to criticize sb, or their work or ideas, very severely

      a piece of cake


      轻而易举的事;举手之劳a thing that is very easy to do

      a piece of piss

      小菜一碟;轻而易举的事a thing that is very easy to do
