2013年5月18日雅思大作文真题:School Curriculum Design

可可英语 2013年08月02日 17:00


      Some people think all children learn history in school is important. Some others think learning subjects more relevant to life is important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.




      It has become a debatable issue that what curriculum are indeed beneficial to students in schools. History or those subjects are more practical and more relevant to our daily life? From my point of view, both of them are playing a critical role in the development of a variety of aspects of students. It can not be denied that, history is important in terms of developing the critical thinking ability of students and inspiring them. First and foremost, the subject of history involves a number of branches, from war history to economic history to ancient history, which expand the vision for students. At the same time, the changes during the historical periods may encourage adolescents to explore why some of them are prosperous, while others collapsed shortly. Therefore, the critical thinking skills will be improved to some extent. In addition, those interesting stories in the history, more or less, enhance students' mind. To illustrate, Qingshihuang, who united China from six small countries, has promoted the further development of China. From this story, some valuable qualities of students would be cultivated such as conscientiousness and determination. On the other hand, it is true that other subjects, such as basic science and language are of necessity for students. Nowadays, as a result of globalisation, a tendency of multinational cooperation has resulted in the popularity of learning foreign languages. In this case, apart from the academic perspective, the subject of language is a useful tool in communicating with others. In addition, other subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, not only equip students with basic theories, but also assist adolescent to pursue further education in universities. In conclusion, my view is that, history or other subjects, all of them have a key role to play in fostering the abilities of students in multiple fields. Essentially, it is vital for students to have an opportunity to acquire knowledge of these subjects, while they should have their own rights to determine which area for further research, depends on their interests or better career prospects.

回复2020-03-13 05:01:50jemmy02
