

      [tǔ dì]






      land; soil; ground; field; earth






      localgodoftheland; villagegod


      tract; dirt






      Better yet make it ametalenclosedyachtwithbullet proofglassuntilyoucanfind some dryland.




      A fewhourslater, a truly astonishingnewangle on thestoryemerged. Guess how muchSouth Korea had paidfor its 99yearlease?




      Ideeplylove my country, there is noland for meadeep feeling andexcitement, there is noariverlet me meditationanddowns.




      Like you,withlifetimespiritualcohesionofland,in the heart of hearts, there is alwaysaspaceforyouthenstay.




      When thefarmerdied, how muchofhisland was portioned to his eldest son?




      and of men to guardthis Heaven_favored landagainst the mischiefs which without His guidance mightarisefroman unwise publicpolicy.




      Furion Stormrage:In the Dream,Ifelt our landbeing corrupted, justas if itwere my own body.You were righttoawakenme.




      Whenyou walk acrosslandscapes,itleapsupin the aftermathofyourfootstepstrying to grabdebris.




      The landutilization style produceslots of pollutants which are easy to flow into the lake.




      Completelydifferentlandscapesandcompletelydifferentclimaticconditions can befoundwithin the space of only a few dozen kilometers.

