买了六个鸡蛋 却收到一盒蛋挞

可可听力网 2022年11月28日 17:41:42

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      A shopper who ordered six eggs from Sainsbury's received a box of egg custard tarts instead as the country struggles with a shortage on the supermarket shelves.


      The customer, who made the online order through Uber Eats, said she ‘burst out laughing' when she realized they had substituted the product in her basket.


      The shopper told the Mirror: “I didn't receive any notifications to let me know they were out of stock so was bemused when I saw the egg custard tarts and twigged it was a substitute when I realized the eggs were missing.”


      The woman said she has contacted Uber Eats over the order but they are yet to respond.


      It comes as pub chain Wetherspoon, and supermarkets including Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Lidl and Aldi have been hit with supply disruption.


      According to official figures, the price of a box of a dozen eggs has gone up by more than 22%.


      Some supermarkets have been limiting the number of eggs you can purchase.


      The shortage has been partly blamed by another outbreak of avian flu, but also a delayed knock-on impact from millions of birds dying during the heatwave over the summer.


      Supplies are now under threat as farmers are fighting to tackle soaring costs alongside an outbreak of bird flu.


      Speaking to Mail Online, the outspoken farmer said: ‘It's not because we as farmers don't want to produce eggs, it's because we can't afford to produce eggs.


      All we want is a fair price to cover our costs and continue producing British eggs.'


      Food and farming ministry Defra said that there was no ‘immediate threat' to the food supply chain, including eggs.
