NPR边听边练 第70期:教皇本笃十六世深情告别

可可听力网 2013年03月05日 14:03:23

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      Pope Benedict, the 16th has bid an emotional farewell to a crowd _1_ at 150,000 in the

      St.Peter's Square for the pope's final general audience.NPR's Sylvia Poggioli reports the

      pope dropped his usual theological tone as he explained why tomorrow he will be the first

      Pope in 600 years to resign voluntarily.



      With pilgrims and well-wishers holding banners with the words, thank Benedict, took a long

      victory lap around the square on his pope mobile.Many chanted, Benedictal Benedictalx, his name

      in Italian, which also means _2_ .In his remarks, the pope _3_ that as pope he had moments

      of joy and light,but also times of great difficulty, moments of turbulent seas and rough winds.




      He said at some times to love the church, means also to have the courage to take difficult

      painful decisions.Many cardinals who will _4_ Benedict's successor, are already in Roma,

      including Roger Mahony, the target of a grassroots campaign calling on him to recuse himself

      for _5_ clerical sexual abuse.Sylvia Poggioli NPR News, Roma.At last check on Wall Street,

      Dow was up 173 points at 14,071.This is NPR.

      许多将会选举Benedict后继者的红衣主教都已经在罗马了,包括Roger Mahony。Roger因掩盖牧师性虐待丑闻而被草根运动呼吁下台。NPR新闻, 西尔维娅·普吉利,罗马报道。最后让我们来关注下华尔街,道琼斯指数上涨173点,以14071点收盘。这里是NPR新闻。


      1、bid farewell to告别

      eg:After Beijing bid farewell to the 2008 Olympics, celebrations broke out in Britain to usher in

      London's turn to host.


      2、pilgrim . 朝圣者;漫游者;vi. 去朝圣;漫游

      eg:This is where pilgrims to the abbey would pay their first devotions.


      3、turbulent. 骚乱的,混乱的;狂暴的;吵闹的

      eg:They had been together for five or six turbulent years of break-ups and reconciliations.


      eg:I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas.


