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Good Morning!
今天的练习内容来自 Leo Babauta,标题是 Transforming Our Complaints into Something Generative。我们将分三部分练习这篇文章,今天是第二部分。在这部分,Leo 提到,其实我们可以试着将抱怨转化为其它。
Good Morning!
今天的练习内容来自 Leo Babauta,标题是 Transforming Our Complaints into Something Generative。我们将分三部分练习这篇文章,今天是第一部分。我们或多或少都会抱怨,身边也有抱怨的人。Leo 在本文开头提到,他不喜欢抱怨,本质上是不喜欢会抱怨的自己。
O清晨朗读3041:Transforming Our Complaints ...​​​​
清晨朗读3041:Transforming Our Complaints into Something Generative 1

清晨朗读3041:Transforming Our Complaints into Something Generative 1

Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯...
Good Morning!
今天的练习内容来自我老师 Henry 的一首诗,标题是 next step in my current saga。今年六月中旬,Henry 退休了。退休后的生活日程有了不少变化,Henry 也不断在比较自己心里的变化,并记录在这首诗中。
Good Morning!
O清晨朗读3039:New tech can make air-condit...​​​​
清晨朗读3039:New tech can make air-conditioning less harmful

清晨朗读3039:New tech can make air-conditioning less harmful

Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯...
今天的练习内容来自 MIT Technology Review,是对于未来的预测。如果一个婴儿今天出生,那么他/她将面临怎样的世界呢?
O清晨朗读3038:What the future holds for th...​​​​
清晨朗读3038:What the future holds for those born today

清晨朗读3038:What the future holds for those born today

Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯...
今天的练习内容来自 Leo Babauta,标题是 The Season of Restarting Habits。暑假和小长假,以及即将来临的国庆节,连着的几个假期很容易打断我们正在养成的习惯。Leo 也不例外。他写了今天的这篇文章,跟大家一起从头养成习惯。
O清晨朗读3037:The Season of Restarting Hab...​​​​
清晨朗读3037:The Season of Restarting Habits

清晨朗读3037:The Season of Restarting Habits

For me, I find that summer often throws of my carefully...
Good Morning!
O清晨朗读3036:Why the Reliable Office Work...​​​​
清晨朗读3036:Why the Reliable Office Workhorse Rarely Gets Ahead

清晨朗读3036:Why the Reliable Office Workhorse Rarely Gets Ahead

Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯...
Good Morning!
今天的练习内容来自 The Globe and Mail 的 First Person 栏目,标题是 The silent meditation retreat I attended didn’t teach me what I thought it would。作者多年前参加过一次冥想训练。本以为会获得宁静与放松,然而事与愿违。当作者以为这次经历纯属白费的时候,结果却又超出她 ​​​​...展开全文c
清晨朗读3035:The silent meditation retreat I attended

清晨朗读3035:The silent meditation retreat I attended

Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯...
Good Morning!
O清晨朗读3034:How the healing powers of bo...​​​​
清晨朗读3034:How the healing powers of botany can reduce anxiety

清晨朗读3034:How the healing powers of botany can reduce anxiety

Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯...
Good Morning!
今天的练习内容来自我老师 Henry 的一首诗,标题是 driven toward the larger whole?。尽管已经到了退休年龄,Henry 仍在不断地检视自我,认识自己。这首诗表达了他的这种思考。
