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#人生复本#第一季 Dark Matter 完结见置顶博
剧情比较慢 推荐倍速观看 后面很好看~~

剧集围绕Jason Dessen(乔尔·埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰)展开,他是一位物理学家、教授,也是个恋家的男人。有一天夜里,从芝加哥街 ​​​​...展开全文c
早上起来,ChatGPT 已经跑完 5 个小时的工作量,Most Common American Idioms,一本书搞定。花点时间整理了一下,用不了 github 的同学可以从百度网盘下载: O网页链接​​​​

Cartoonist Klaas Verplancke depicts an inventive repurposing of an old-fashioned appliance. “It might be a stretch to use a fridge to shelve pages of cherished words and images,” Verplancke said. “But at the very least it can offer a blast of reli ​​​​...展开全文c
《头脑特工队2》上映十天,票房突破7.2亿美元,正式超越《沙丘2》的7.1亿美元,暂时成为2024年的全 球 票房冠军!最终总票房有望突破13亿美元,将与R级的《死侍3》争夺年冠~中国票房依旧延续了好莱坞大片的惨淡,上映三天仅7600万人民币,预测总票房只有1.7亿人民币左右。 ​​​​
早上起来,ChatGPT 已经跑完 5 个小时的工作量,Most Common American Idioms,一本书搞定。花点时间整理了一下,用不了 github 的同学可以从百度网盘下载: O网页链接​​​​
《纽约时报》的长文:The Sins of the Educated Class

Society pours hundreds of thousands of dollars into elite students, gives them the most prestigious launching pads fathomable, and they are often the ones talking most loudly about burning the system down.

Over the past few dec ​​​​...展开全文c
  • +9
WSJ的文章:China Is Mixed on Elon Musk—but They Sure Love His Mom

At 76, Maye Musk is a surprising celebrity in the country, and the tycoon’s secret weapon ​​​​
  • +2
Daily Show调侃普京朝鲜行,You know when you're in middle school and your two worst enemies have a sleepover and spend the whole night talking shit about you. Well, that just happened to America. LJoken是个runner的微博视频​​​​
#普京访问朝鲜##热门视频#普京亲自驾驶奥鲁斯载着金正恩到公园漫步(十) L寰亚SYHP的微博视频​​​​
NYT荐书,8本可以提高效率的书:8 Productivity Books Time-Management Experts Actually Use

These titles can help you achieve more with less stress.

1. Get It Done, by Ayelet Fishbach
2. Slow Productivity, by Cal Newport
3. Four Thousand Weeks, by Oliver Burkeman...展开全文c
  • +1
Ray Kurzweil在《经济学人》的文章:how Al will transform the physical world

The changes will be particularly profound in energy, manufacturing and medicine, says the futurist ​​​​
本周《纽约客》封面:Eternal Youth

Adrian Tomine portrays a young preteen trying to distance herself from her progenitors. “I have to admit that I waste a lot of time thinking about how to not embarrass my kids, by calibrating how much slang I should use or by assessing how muc ​​​​...展开全文c

1.开篇说中国的农业研究成果让人印象深刻:在盐碱地种高粱和大米、大幅提升玉米收成、巨型水稻等,据欧洲一家著名植物科学期刊的 ​​​​...展开全文c
《新概念英语》的作者亚力山大说过:Nothing should be spoken before it has been heard. Nothing should be read before it has been spoken. Nothing should be written before it has been read.(听了之后才能说,说了之后才能读,读了之后才能写。)结合这么多年英语学习经验来看,深以为然。我 ​​​​...展开全文c
