
可可听力网 2023年03月23日 09:56:04
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      US retail stores' closure sparks debate


      Recently, the mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler, said the largest US retailer, Walmart, is leaving the Northwest city because of crime.

      近日,俄勒冈州波特兰市市长泰德?惠勒(Ted Wheeler)表示,美国最大的零售商沃尔玛因该市极高的犯罪率将离开这座城市。

      Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted a link to an article about Walmart's decision to close its last two stores in Portland, which will affect 580 workers.


      In December, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said: "Theft is an issue. It's higher than what it has historically been." "The retail industry is changing and retail theft is a national issue," Wheeler said.


      Footwear giant Nike, headquartered in Oregon, had offered to pay off-duty Portland police officers to provide security at one of its stores.


      Nike has said that the problem is nationwide, and some of its warehouses and even trains carrying its merchandise have been hit.


      Retailers say the main problem is organized rings that involve multiple suspects rushing through stores and stealing large quantities of goods.


      Last year, legislators in California, Florida, Louisiana and North Carolina increased penalties for stealing from stores.


      Under an amended law in Louisiana, those caught stealing as part of a group could face up to seven years in prison.


      The NRF said that its latest security survey of roughly 60 retailers found that inventory loss — called shrink — averaged 1.4 percent last year.

      美国零售联合会(National Retail Federation,简称NRF)表示,其对大约60家零售商进行的一项最新安全调查发现,去年的库存损失平均为1.4%。

      The greatest part — 37 percent — came from external theft, including products taken during organized shoplifting incidents.


      It also noted that retailers on average saw a 26.5 percent increase in organized theft incidents last year.


      Some business owners were forced to lock up products and double the number of security guards at some stores.


      However, locking up items also reduces sales by 15-25 percent, according to Joe Budano, CEO of Indyme, a technology company that sells security devices to retailers.

      为产品上锁虽然能有效防盗,但对零售营收却于事无补。Indyme是一家向零售商销售安全设备的科技公司,其首席执行官Joe Budano认为,给商品上锁也会使销售额降低15%-25%。
