

      [lì hài]






      severe; sharp; cruel; fierce


      terrible; formidable; serious



      全部,terrible,severe,sharp,serious,formidable,badly,as sharp as a razor



      It washiswayofsaying,"Take that with you. You haven't seenthe last of me."




      My tooth was aching so muchthatIhad to haveitout.



      Hismother was so illthat she was as good as dead.




      You do notforceyourself,youneverknow how muchpowerful!




      Butwhen the marketbecomesvolatileevery move bringswith it a fresh opportunity for profitorloss, and eachminute can fly by.




      Being the offspring of a legend made her an easy target for high schoolkidstoseehowtoughshewas.




      He is muchfishstillandIsaw that thehookwasin the corner of his mouth and he has kept his mouthtightshut.




      The bigtiger has verysharpteeth.Smallanimals in the forestare all afraidof him.




      Herefused to pick up the ball,andwent to the air and Shouting:"Iis the mostseverehandblow."




      Heturnedtomein search ofafreshaudience. "Really, during the Zhou dynastywe were practically the same as ancientRomeorEgypt!"

