

      [wēi xiǎn]





      danger; peril; hazard; jeopardy; risk



      dangerous; perilous; hazardous; jeopardous; risky






      Taken asatrend,they amount to adangerouserosion of the system of multilateraltradeon which globalprosperitydepends.




      Shesaidtheboy had been engaging in riskybehaviourthatsheblamed on the church'streatment.




      substances andwoodworkingareadangerous mix.Stayoutof the woodshopifyouareevenremotely under the influence of any intoxicants.




      Mrs. Jamesknows so littleof the side effects of the medicinethatshe was wholly unsuspicious of the dangertoherdaughter.




      Butexercising vigorously onlyonceaweekorlessincreases your riskofaninjury,hesaid.




      He went ascloseto the fightingas possible to seehowhe would actin the face of danger.




      Earlier,theWhite Housesaid the leaks "could put the livesof Americans andourpartnersatrisk,andthreaten our nationalsecurity".




      "Theremust be anongeneticfactor, probably environmental, " that combines with known geneticandenvironmentalrisks, hesaid.




      Thedanger to uswasthat the rate of itsarmamentwouldfuel the nation'sglobaladventurismagainstothers.




      Asisoftenreadin the newspaper, wild lifeespecially the rarespecies is threatenedwithextinction.

