

      [wán chéng]





      accomplish; complete; fulfil; finish; bringtosuccess






      Onlyahandful of countries have everaccomplishedsuch a fiscalfeat,and it has never been tried by somanycountries at once.




      Germanywants things sewn up, at leastinprinciple,withinayear.




      Trying to get an aspect of MRM to workbefore earlier steps in the setupprocess have been completed.




      Thecompletearrayoftelescopeswill be able to survey the entirenight sky visible from Hawaii about onceaweek.




      Such a situationis often encounteredwhen we make a plan.




      If your typeofblogorsite is not shown,you can probably work it out from looking ata few of the examples provided!




      the extentandnature of the workandGoodsnecessaryfor the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of anydefects.




      Ithinkthey've gota bit of anadvantageplayingawayfirst,butourintention has tobe to try and finish the tietonight.




      "ButI am very confident that with theteamwehave got assembled we are going to be able to make it happen."




      He or she must be preparedtogivethebandarealistictimeline to complete the mixes and then stick to it.

