






      entrust; trust


      setoff; serveasacontrastorfoil


      giveasapretext; offerasanexcuse; plead


      relyon; oweto; thanksto





      base; support; sth. servingasasupport






      全部,support,base,entrust,set off,torr,TorrWoodstock,Mercator



      Wantingtotalk, Tito oncestoodbefore a mirror pleading for his mouth to move."All his image did wasstareback,"he wrote.




      ENGROSSEDINPLAY,ToddandScott did nothear the train.Finallyas the soundbecamethunderous,Scottlooked up andfroze.




      As Kratos made his way past the Desert of LostSouls, he findsahorn and blows throughit, causing Kronos to begincrawlingtowardhim.



      Heexudes both competenceand self-contained charisma,and has been calleda"rockstar" by one PRexecutive who usedtowork with him.




      With the end of the war, the times are changing, and as much asDon Vito seemsincontrol at the wedding, hispower is beginning to erode.




      "The sunwill come up in the West before Victor Triumph tells a lie!"Isaid.I was seated, pulling on my high-heeled boots.




      One of the mostfamousAmericanpainters of his generation, Cy Twombly, has died at the age of 83.




      Alexander Torshin, a deputyspeaker of the Russianparliament's upper house,saidhethought the damagewouldbelimited.




      Hisanswerwas to lift the vesseloutof the waterby making it ride on acushion of air, no more than one or two feetthick.




      Nowone of the firsttasks for fans' ­ favourite Kenny Dalglish will be to help an out-of-sorts Torres ­ recapturehisform.

