

      [xì nòng]





      makefunof; playtrickson; pokefunat; dupe; hoodwink; tease; kid



      全部,tease,make fun of,play tricks on,hoaxkid,teasing



      Abdalla,seeingherveryuneasy,said, "Do notfret and teaseyourself, but go into the yard, and take someoilout of one of the jars."




      When a manis living with, always is to think of the end of life, as it is ratherbleedingwithouttears.




      Hesaid it could have been 'tricked' into bringing allegations againstthreeseniormanagers.




      One of thecomedianswas a Manchester United fan,sohe was ribbing me straight away - butIthinkIhandled it quitewell.




      It isn't easyto please eachpersonbutteasingtheteacher won't please the teacherneeds to be free to teachashepleases.




      Like an earnestteacherwho'd been outsmarted by a clique ofrelentlesslycheatingstudents,ithadlostcredibility.




      Then Herodand his soldiers ridiculed andmockedhim.Dressinghim in an elegant robe,theysent him backtoPilate.




      "I should havethoughtyoucouldstand a bit of good-natured chaffbynow, "hereplied.



      the wholevillagecamerunningout to hisassistancewhenall the return theygotwas to be laughed at for their pains.




      Just arabbidoor, Jim per-hakan gessle wasrabbi, the daughterofamock the bookwritedown the words are realisticinstantaneous.

