






      die; succumb






      extremely; todeath



      implacable; deadly


      fixed; rigid; inflexible


      impassable; closed



      全部,die,succumb,death,closed,deadly,implacable,fixed,extremely,to death,shi,pass away,perish



      Hesaid Mr. Netanyahu is killing Gilad, and hedemandedtheprime minister change his policies and bring the soldier homeimmediately.




      In order to please her,Pushkinhad to stop writing,and run heavily into debt.The great writer finallydied of aduelforher.




      Tothinkofanything in religion,or to pretend to realholiness,withouttotallydying to thisold man, is building castles in the air.




      Mahatma Gandhi:Liveas if your were todietomorrow.Learnas if you were to liveforever.




      And she saidto Elijah,WhathaveI done to you, O man of God, that you have come to me to recall my iniquityandkill my son?




      Afterthedeathofhermother, Rosie hada fitful night,tossing and turning and getting upfrequently.




      Pity! The look slammed into Raistlin with the forceofahundredswords.Yes, his twinwoulddie,but not with that look upon hisface!




      Put your sword back in its place, " Jesussaid to him, " for all who draw the swordwilldie by the sword.




      "Lincoln was alwaysconscious of hisown mortality," and thecracked-platephotograph conveys acertainfatalism,saidWard.




      Thelogicwas that the eaglethoughthisheadwas a stone,wantingtokill the livetortoise by droppingit.

