

      [dì bā]











      全部,eighth,a surname,eighth num,Oitavo,the eighth



      "And that'swhy the girlneverdestroyedit,"hesaid, Mr. Judsonreportsin his book "The Eighth Day of Creation. "




      Jenson, eighth placelast weekend but it must havefelt like a bitofarelief?




      Rico did notknow the name of the eighth object,butinsevenout of ten tests,heappropriately retrieved adifferentnovelitem.




      Mr Sarkozy is the eighth leader of aeurozonecountrytobereplacedor swept from office in little over a year.




      So I interviewed herinOakland, in asushirestaurant. AndIsaid, "So, couldyoudo it right here?"




      Priceswere 8. 4% higherthanayearago - the eighth consecutivemonththat there has been a year-on-year rise.




      Ihave to askyouabout your family. Dick Cheney,youand he are eighth cousins?-Yeah. How about that?




      And on the eighth daytheycametocircumcise the little child, and they tried to callhimafter the nameof his father, Zachariah.




      the least powerful chessman;movesonlyforward and captures only to the side;canbepromotedif it reaches the 8th rank.




      The specificpowersgranted to the Security Council for the discharge of theseduties are laid down inChapters VI, VII, VIII,and XII.

