

      [yī diǎn] [yì diǎn]





      alittle; afew; some; inaway; tosomeextent; partial



      全部,a little,some,a few,in a way,bit,a bita bit of



      A: Do youthinkyoucould possibly move your carforwardabit, please?




      Wejustchangeditalittle to makeitsoundbetter.




      So the only componentswehave,really, are the many individual tests, and a small bit of routine for processing.




      The oldman'shead was very old though and with his eyesclosed there was nolife in his face.




      He wasonlyalittle taller than Lucy herself and he carried over his headanumbrella,whitewithsnow.




      host:you said coming inthisfight,you want to leave no doubt,do you think you did that this time?




      Therewasalittlecolor in hercheeks,now, and herhairno longer lookedso straggly .




      Andshedidthisby setting upherownlimitations,not those ofherfictitiousroles.




      Hethought of it all day long, and formanydayssuccessively, and he didnotrepent.




      Iwantedtotellyou, and Isnatchedaminute when thingshad slackened up abit.

