

      [xià tái]






      resign; resignone'sright [power]; outofpower; falloutofpower; leaveoffice; extricateoneselffromaposition







      全部,resign,leave office,step down,go out,fall from power



      Mrvon Beust is the sixth state premier from Mrs Merkel'sChristianDemocraticUniontostep down inless than ayear.




      "Ifhe were to leavetoday, there would be war, "hesaid.




      Thequestion on the tablewould have been unthinkablejustaweekbefore. Should Mr. Obamacall for Mr. Mubarak to step down?




      The US said the meetingreiterateditsdemand that Col Gaddafi step down, and involvednonegotiations.




      Egypt'syoungliberalmiddle-classes are discovering that they were not the only forces setfreeby the downfall of President Hosni Mubarak.




      As a strongcritic of the IraqwarhewasdelightedtoseeBushleave office,buthe was, and remains, wary of Obama.




      Critics of stem-cellresearchwouldbewrongto see Hwang'sdownfallasvindication of theirbroadermoralcomplaints.




      Before his fall,hehad been lining upa fourth (so farundetected)bigcustomerfor his full-service bomb-building package.




      Meanwhile, a defiant Mr Gbagbo, holed up in the presidential palace a stone'sthrow away fromhisrival, clings tenaciouslytopower.




      "If wewant to be honest, we'rewaiting for a truce, we want to negotiate for him to leave, "headded, referring to PresidentAssad.

