

      [bù néng]





      cannot; mustnot; shouldnot; unable



      全部,cannot,unable,must not,should not,No,can't,fail



      Aunt Maggie was notevenallowedtoseehisbodynor was she able to claimanyof his asset.




      Youmust be a skilledandexperiencedcopywriter and readersshouldnot be able to tellifEnglishis not yourmother tongue.




      You can't cash out forat least12months, and you forfeitthe last threemonthsofinterestif you redeem in less than fiveyears.




      The wind is toostrong for me to fly in alinethrough the storm.




      Anotherreason for the act's ineffectiveness was that, likeprevious air-quality regulations, this act failed to defineairpollution.




      I can't tie up theribbon round the parcel,Youknow my fingers areall thumbs.




      Sometimes, no matterhowmuchyoulovesomeone,they just can't loveyou back in thesame way.




      Balaam answered the donkey,"Youhavemade a fool of me! If I had a sword in my hand,I would killyouright now."




      Peopleclose to megetcancer and die too soon;myprayers do not take away the painorhold back the tollingof the bells.




      Transactions like this will be visible to kids,and will show up in the passbook,butunapproveddepositsarenot available forwithdrawal.

