

      [zhǔ chí]






      takechargeof; beinchargeof; manage; direct


      host; chair; presideover; presideat


      uphold; standfor



      全部,host,chair,manage,direct,preside,preside over,Moderator



      host: so youaresaying that you were trying to jump on himand your head hurtled him.




      host:youwere in charge of the fight,you were aggressive,but you take advantage of his fault.




      Theboytold the televisionhostess about hisuncertainfuture,whereas the girlwasfullofenthusiasm for herlife.




      THE HOSTESS: That's got to beone of the mostmemorable opening scenes in cinema.




      However, the BritishMedicalJournalstudydidnot find any benefitintermsofphysicalhealth.




      FormerCCTVhost Wang Zhi arrived in Lijiang Wednesday andwill be appointed vicemayor of the city for ayear.




      For the nexttwodays, the Palestinianprime ministerwill be hostingaTradeandInvestmentForuminLondon.




      directors shall convene at least one meetingevery year. The meeting shall be called andpresidedover by the chairman of the board.




      Youknow,Ijust came this close to buyingatownhouse.Youknow,I was marriedhere a fewmonthsago.TheMayormarriedus.




      is an informalprocess facilitated by an experiencedmediator which aims to helpthepartiesreachtheirownresolution to the dispute.

