

      [xiǎng shòu]





      enjoyment; comfort; fruition; treat; enjoy






      You and your new sweetie will enjoyadventuresandpossibly spend time traveling togethertoplacesyou've alwayswanted to see.




      Collegelife will soonendof the yearbefore,Iushered in asastudentcanenjoy the lastholiday, did notrealize?




      Your happinessisbased onhowmuchyouenjoy what you're doing,ratherthancompleting X number oftasks.




      It's going to be reallyniceforeverybody,youknow, to be able to just reallytakeit easy andbreatheand really enjoy, enjoylifenow.




      For me,it's not agadget. What Iseeare hours and hours of sleeplessnightstryingto get this to where I can enjoyit.




      Some of myacquaintancesin the country come up to town once ortwiceayear to visit the theatreasaspecialtreat.




      And of Asher he said,Let Asher beblessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let himdip his footinoil.




      himself had lostall his hair, and to seeotherswithouthairremindedhimofit and prevented him from enjoying the party.




      It'sbeen of agreatpleasureallthisautumn on my trip to work,if only it stretched to noend.




      "That's okay,"Isaid. "Enjoy it, the gameendstoosoon,youknow. "

