






      giveasapresent; give


      deliver; carry


      seesb. off [out]; accompany; escort



      全部,give,deliver,escort,carry,send,sent,to deliver



      "Theyweresent by one ofyourfriends," the poorsecretaryreplied in alow voice, "soIthought it wouldbeappropriateto use them. "




      I look forwardto receiving weekly magazines that keep me up to date with words,pictures,andstories form around the globe.




      Hereallyisamiser: for mybirthday,hegaveme a pieceofgrassbecause he saidit was thecheapestthing he couldfind!




      As long asyouneed,youjustaphone call,professionaltransportteamwillbein the 12 days of the goodsto.




      Theblackleatherjacketis a birthdaygiftgiven by his wife.Itsuitshim well.




      andgetabumpon your head and I'll pick you up on our way back and takeyou to ahospital.




      Butthewoman hunched overhim,coveredinblood and gore continued to pull ropes ofintestineup to hergreedymouth.




      In fact,istoleteach of the ownersadoptedby the dairyfarmers,tookcustody of a day of freshmilkwill be sent to the area.




      One day, Xiao-ming did notknowhow the bodyfeeluncomfortable,so my father was senttohospital Xiaoming.




      Hesaid it couldhave been alotworse had theambulancenot gotten toyou in time.

