

      [yē sū]








      全部,Christ,Jesus Christ,Yeshua



      Now when Heheard this, He said, Those who are strong have noneedof a physician, but those who are ill.




      And he said unto them,Wheresoever the body is,thitherwill the eagles be gatheredtogether.




      When the Lord choseHistwelvedisciples, it was"that theyshouldbewith Him,and that Hemightsendthem forth topreach"(Mark Hi.14).




      And immediatelyJesus, realizing inHimself that powerhad gone out of Him,turned around in the crowd and said, WhotouchedMygarments?




      The Bibleliftsoureyes to see that allcreation proclaims the gloryofGod, who has showered Hisgraceandloveonus through Christ.




      Then Herodand his soldiers ridiculed andmockedhim.Dressinghim in an elegant robe,theysent him backtoPilate.




      For the Jewshadalready agreed thatanyone who confessed Jesustobe the Messiah would be putoutof the synagogue.




      Did notChristtell Pontius Pilate:"Mykingdom is notofthisworld"(John 18:36)? Which oftheseseven words issohardtounderstand?




      Andthey came out of the tombsafter His resurrection and entered into the holycity and appearedtomany.




      Hetookseriously the Muslimideaofadialogue based on the commands of Jesus of Nazareth toloveGodand one another.

