

      [miǎo shì]





      despise; lookdownupon; treatwithcontempt



      全部,despise,look down upon,defy,contempt,scorn



      Hewould have been a religiousreformer,ifhe had not been tooscornful of the vulgar to engageinpropaganda.




      Hewasdespised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.




      The unbeliefof the general and his contemptfor the Lordmadehimsee the grain butnoteat of it.




      However,in the case of personalperformance contracts, it may alsobeensuredthrough the threat of proceedings for contempt of court.




      What yousaid wasn't just a slight.It was an out-and-outinsult.




      Dismissive of Waheeba,she scorns the veryidea that this lump of awoman,"obese, menopausal, illiterate" , could be herrivalin anything.




      forthey have rejectedthelawof the LORD Almighty andspurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.




      Doesit please you to oppress me, to spurn the work of your hands, while you smile on the schemes of the wicked?




      Even ifyouthink his handispoortoday's bib,andifhetellsyouis that Isent,please do notdespise my craftfree.




      Fromjustafewmonths in the makingprocessofanimation,I understand that workisalate cannot leteverybody the importantpart.

