

      [lù shang]






      ontheway; enroute





      全部,on the way,en route,on the road,Way,On The Road,On the Path



      He applying dropsin at my locate on his way habitat.




      Idrovehimhome that day,drivingascarefully as Icould, and knew that hewasweak when he never once bothered tocommenton my driving!




      The police are allon the roadready to help others.




      Yes,therewill be unexpected bends in theroad,shockingsurprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point, don't youthink?




      Mouseoperation, it allturretsdragon both sides of the roadlayout, it willdestroy the enemy on the road!




      Donald Rumsfeld:"He'ssort of likeasnakeona hot summer day sleeping on the roadin the sun,"aCanadiangeneralonceobserved.




      Mohammed Elhassan, walking homefromhis local mosque in the Nile city of Wadi Halfa, tookout his mobile phone and snappeda fewphotos.




      Hemeanttosellthepearlin the capital for ahigh price,buthe was afraidofbeingrobbed on his way there.



      WhenSarah saw found that shewasfollowing by the agents, she decided to stopon the halfway.




      Acardwith your name and addresson it would be handy for you tomakefriendsalong the road.

