






      askfor; begfor; demand


      provoke; incur; court; invite


      denounce; condemn; censure









      全部,ask for,beg for,demand,provoke,to discuss,yfy,bum



      Popularityisasubjectivephenomenonandmany asociologist is stilltrying to figure outwhatmakesforpopularity.




      For now do I persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to pleasemen? For if I yetpleasedmen, I wouldnotbe a servantofChrist.




      Whataspectofhercharacterfirst recommended hertoyou?




      The euro zone's crisishastested the efficacy of these EuropeanrulesandledGermanstoaskwhy they should pay when others break them.




      Yet it has conducted foreign relationssincetherevolution of 1979 in a waythatseemsperfectlyrationaleven if it is notpleasant.




      Carol: Oh,youthinkyou are so cute withthatcurlyhair,unendingsmile and happy disposition. You makeme puke .




      One day, when he was travelling the country disguised as abeggar,he stopped at the cottageofapoorploughmantoask for food.




      He determined to revisit the scene of the last evening'sgambol,and,ifhemet with any of the party, todemand his dogandgun.



      In brief,hesacrificed a portion of his timetowin his way into their good graces.Allhewantedwaspeace and quiet.




      And thisguywasMOBBEDtrying to leave the court,everyonewantedhisautograph, and he did his best to signnearlyeveryone's.

