

      美 [drɑp]

      英 [drɒp]

  •       n.滴;水珠;少量;微量
  •       v.使落下;(故意)降下;累倒;累垮
  •       网络丢弃;掉下;删除

      复数:drops  现在分词:dropping  过去式:dropped  





      sharp drop,big drop,sudden drop,dramatic drop,rapid drop


      drop bomb,drop ball,drop gun,drop subject,price drop


      suddenly drop,gradually drop,probably drop











      (意外地)落下,掉下,使落下to fall or allow sth to fall by accident



      (故意)降下,使降落,使落下to fall or make sth fall deliberately




      累倒;累垮to fall down or be no longer able to stand because you are extremely tired

      变弱;减少become weaker/less



      (使)变弱,降低,减少to become or make sth weaker, lower or less




      your eyes/gaze ~.~ your eyes/gaze

      垂下(眼睛);垂视to look down

      向下倾斜slope downwards



      ~ (away) (from sth)

      急剧倾斜而下to slope steeply downwards




      中途卸客;中途卸货to stop so that sb can get out of a car, etc.; to deliver sth on the way to somewhere else



      ~ sb a line/note

      寄,送,写(信)to send a short letter to sb

      略去leave out



      ~ sb/sth (from sth)

      遗漏;省略;不予考虑to leave sb/sth out by accident or deliberately




      ~ sb

      不再与(某人)往来;同(某人)断绝联系to stop seeing sb socially




      ~ sth

      停止;终止;放弃to stop doing or discussing sth; to not continue with sth




      ~ a hint

      暗示;透露to say or do sth in order to show sb, in an indirect way, what you are thinking

      编织in knitting



      ~ a stitch

      漏,脱,掉(针)to let a stitch go off the needle


      drop the ball


      犯错;处理失当to make a mistake and spoil sth that you are responsible for

      drop a brick/clanger


      失言伤人;出言不慎to say sth that offends or embarrasses sb, although you did not intend to

      drop dead


      暴死;突然死去;猝死to die suddenly and unexpectedly


      别烦人;别打扰;别捣乱used to tell sb, rudely, to stop annoying you, interfering , etc.

      drop sb in it


      (尤指因泄露秘密)使尴尬,使狼狈不堪to put sb in an embarrassing situation, especially by telling a secret that you should not have told

      drop names

      提及自己认识或见过的名人以抬高身价to mention famous people you know or have met in order to impress others

      drop your bundle


      突然发蒙;失态to suddenly not be able to think clearly; to act in a stupid way because you have lost control over yourself

      let sb/sth drop

      不再提起;放弃to do or say nothing more about sb/sth

      (好像是)无意中说出to mention sb/sth in a conversation, by accident or as if by accident
