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      Xianyue road construction, give the public can bring the most recent travel inconvenience, traffic police hope the public will bypass, and to fully understand and support.


      Xianyue road construction, give the public can bring the most recent travel inconvenience, traffic police hope the public will bypass, and to fully understand and support.




      Road construction, the most recent sin since a period of time may also bring the public transportation, and the traffic police hope that inconvenience the public to bypass, and the full understanding and support.



      aSelf-motivated. 自发。 [translate] 
      a看见了吧 Saw [translate] 
      a那些是五个鸡蛋吗 These are five eggs [translate] 
      a在书架上 On bookshelf [translate] 
      aチエブラーシカ 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aPaper is one of the most important products ever invented by ma 纸是ma发明的其中一个最重要的产品 [translate] 
      aAromaticHandCream AromaticHandCream [translate] 
      a朝饮木兰之坠露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英什么意思 Towards drinks the Lily magnolia to fall the dew, fallen flower of any meaning evening meal fall chrysanthemum [translate] 
      a让我们分享一段我们的视频 Let us share a section of our video frequency [translate] 
      a他号召全世界的人一起对抗人类公敌:暴政,贫困,疾病和战争。 He summoned the world the human resists the human public enemies together: Tyranny, impoverished, disease and war. [translate] 
      aDon't speak to me in English 不要与我谈话用英语 [translate] 
      aare you an optimist? 您是否是乐观主义者? [translate] 
      a我不会让你再生气 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aI will never grant a request related to money again again 我不会同意请求再与金钱有关再 [translate] 
      aposted speed limit 张贴的限速 [translate] 
      a探讨我们团队目前出现的问题 Discusses question which our team appears at present [translate] 
      a我正在和你一起写英语 I and you write English together [translate] 
      a毒 Poisonous [translate] 
      a跟你的父母亲说你非常爱他们,不希望他们吵架 To yours parents said you love them extremely, did not hope they quarrel [translate] 
      ajust speak english 请讲英语 [translate] 
      a你的东西就是你的,不是你的东西永远都不是你的。 Your thing is you, is not your thing forever all is not your. [translate] 
      a我永远支持你,顶你到最后! I forever support you, goes against you to finally! [translate] 
      aselect the 'change password' option from the personal details menu. 选择‘变动密码’选择从个人细节菜单。 [translate] 
      aHis coughing stopped my thinking.What was left to say?How could I say goodbye to the person who taught me everything? [translate] 
      aLiu Ying talks more than Liu Li 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aTHINGS TO THINK ABOUT 认为的事 [translate] 
      aI have a crush on him 我迷恋他 [translate] 
      aWith the development of society, a growing number of car 以社会的发展,汽车的增加 [translate] 
      a你认为观音很漂亮 You thought the Goddess of Mercy is very attractive [translate] 
      aOn the Analysis of Income Approach for Real Estate 在对收入方法的分析为不动产 [translate] 
      a用英语(说) (Said) with English [translate] 
      aToolbar on the Main Interface 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a学校很难管理 The school is very difficult to manage [translate] 
      a在新学校我有很多的新朋友,你想和他们打个招呼吗 I have very many new friends in the new school, you want to greet with them [translate] 
      a两天后,将有一场足球比赛 After two days, some soccer competition [translate] 
      a病众望着面前的萧萧落叶,身体也随之日就衰败,一天不比一天。她说:"当树叶全数掉光时,我也就要死了。" Sickness audiences look the front whinny the fallen leaf, the body are also deteriorating along with it date, one day does not compare one day.She said that,When “the leaf total falls out or off entirely, I also had to die." [translate] 
      a上一个黄金周我和我的亲戚们一起去表妹家烧烤。她家的房子很大,是一栋别墅,上下有三层。我们在车库外烧烤,主要烤羊肉串和鸡翅。我们烤得很好,吃得很好。我们在她家住了一晚,第二天就回家了。上个黄金周我们过得很愉快。 The previous gold week I and my relatives go to the younger female cousin family to bake together.Her family's house is very big, is a villa, about has three.We bake outside the garage, main kebab and chicken wing.We roast very much well, eats well very much.We have lived for an evening in her famil [translate] 
      a你的视频看不清楚呀 Your video frequency looks not not clearly [translate] 
      a如果我是一个班主任,我会把自己融合到班级 If I am a teacher in charge, I can fuse oneself the class and grade [translate] 
      a一个大学 A university [translate] 
      ai am the most beautiful in our village 我是最美丽的在我们的村庄 [translate] 
      aright hand batt.con.fuse 右手batt.con.fuse [translate] 
      a青春就是一道明媚的伤痕,刻苦铭心。   [translate] 
      aIf 丫ou 1ove me 如果丫ou 1ove我 [translate] 
      a被高速拉出、退卷时 Is pulled out, time high speed the reverse winding [translate] 
      awhat does the future hold for the giant panda 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a电子商务应用前景 Electronic commerce application prospect [translate] 
      a我哥哥要去西北地区作志愿者工作一年 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aBaler temporary temporarily placed area 打包机临时临时地被安置的地区 [translate] 
      a但是社会任然在发展,我相信我以后的生活会更好的。 But society no matter what however is developing, I believe I later life to be able better. [translate] 
      a谁的连衣裙是白色的 Whose one-piece dress is a white [translate] 
      a我的家在古木镇 My family in ancient Muzhen [translate] 
      ai know who are you now 我知道谁现在是您 [translate] 
      aThis email is already used 已经使用这电子邮件 [translate] 
      acommoder commoder [translate] 
      a仙岳路施工,最近一段时间还可能给市民带来出行不便,交警希望市民尽量绕行,并予以充分理解和支持。 正在翻译,请等待... [translate]