


      英 [əˈmæs]

      美 [əˈmæs]


      形容词: amassable 名词: amasser 过去式: amassed 过去分词: amassed 现在分词: amassing 第三人称单数: amasses


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  •       积聚
  •       积累
  •       堆积
  •       收集
  •       集合
  •       攒
  •       聚敛
  •       搜集
  •       聚集
  •       积蓄


  •       vt. 积累,积聚 collect sth, especially in large quantities


      1. collect or gather

      e.g. Journals are accumulating in my office
      The work keeps piling up

      Synonym: accumulatecumulateconglomeratepile upgather

      2. get or gather together

      e.g. I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife
      She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis
      She rolled up a small fortune

      Synonym: roll upcollectaccumulatepile upcompilehoard

      1. 积聚;收集
      If you amass something such as money or information, you gradually get a lot of it.

      e.g. How had he amassed his fortune?

      1. 累积:接受...之美意embrace the offer of... | 累积amass; accumulate; heap up; assemble | 连系tact; get in touch with; contact with

      2. amass

      2. 积累,积聚:7. guilt-ridden 负罪感 | 8. amass 积累,积聚 | 9. a rat-race 激烈的竞争

      3. amass

      3. 积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品):hoard 大量地贮存 The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter. | amass 积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品) | feel obliged to do sth.感觉有必要做某事

      4. amass什么意思

      4. 收集:amaryllidaceous 属石蒜科的 | amass 收集 | amassment 积蓄

      5. amass:automatic multiple address segregation system; 自动多址隔离系统

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       It was estimated that the state had amassed 100 to 200 atomic warheads.
  •       The campers amassed a large pile of branches before starting their fire.
  •       He has amassed a profound knowledge of eight languages by industry.
  •       The capitalists amass great wealth by exploiting workers.
  •       He amassed a fortune by speculating on the stock exchange.
  •       He amassed money for his children.
  •       During the past two years alone, he amassed a staggering $ 1.5 billion in profits for himself.
  •       He amassed his papers for his memoirs.
  •       He amassed a fortune from silver mining.
  •       She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.
  •       He amassed evidence to support his case.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The son of a small landowner whose family had first amassed, and then lost, considerable wealth.

    出自:C. V. Wedgwood
  •       A detective must find it as important as a novelist to amass his trivial material before picking out the right clue.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       amass的基本意思是“积累,积聚”,指聚集起来以形成某种积累或构成较大数量。通常用于贵重物品和钱财的积累,数量一般较大。


amass, accumulate, heap, pile
  •       这四个词都有“堆积”或“积累”的意思,表示“积累财富”的意思时, heap up和amass可互换。其区别是:
  •       1.从堆积的高度来看, heap要比pile高。
  •       2.从积累的速度和数量上看, amass比accumulate更迅速、更多。
  •       3.从使用范围来看, accumulate比其他三词要广,既可用于具体意义,也可用于抽象意义,可以说“积水,积血”,也可以说“积累财富、利息、知识、悲哀、困难、恩德、罪恶、弊病等”; heap也可用于具体意义和抽象意义; amass主要用于抽象意义,如“积聚金钱、资源、知识等”; pile主要用于具体意义,常用于堆积同类的东西,尤其是扁平的东西。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          But "knowledge," as we amass it (ever available, at our fingertips), can hinder imagination and the wonder that can come from our own observation.(但是我们积累的“知识”(永远随手可得)也有可能阻碍我们的想像力,掩藏我们有可能自己观察到的奇迹。)

          Given today's crisis, the incentives to amass reserves have only grown.(当今危机形势更加刺激了外汇储备的积累。)

          To protect themselves in future, they started to run current-account surpluses and to amass foreign-exchange reserves.(为了在未来保护自己,这些国家开始提升经常账户盈余并且增加外汇储备。)

          With our increased size and financial power, we can amass new investors and raise ample funds to renovate the old hotel.(随着企业规模的扩大和资金力量的增强,我们将征集新的投资者,筹集到足够的资金,将我们的饭店整修一新。)

          The new services will help Facebook amass even more data on its users' tastes.(新的服务有助于脸谱积累更多的用户偏好的数据。)

          He is planning to amass a fortune for a rainy day.(他正打算积蓄财富以备不时之需。)

          Apple can certainly afford to amass a huge wireless patent portfolio.(苹果公司无疑拥有足够财力来积聚大量无线技术专利。)

          People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so.(参考翻译:人们喜欢收藏东西,有时并没有意识到自己在这样做。)

          My dream is to amass one million coffee mugs.(我的梦想是收集一百万个咖啡杯子。)

          We as a society have been taught to consume and amass material possessions.(作为一个社会,我们被教育说要消费,要占有物质。)

          amass是什么意思 amass在线翻译 amass什么意思 amass的意思 amass的翻译 amass的解释 amass的发音 amass的同义词
