


      英 [ɑ:(r)]

      美 [ɑ:r]


      过去式: were


  •       详情解释

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       是(系动词be的现在时,用于第二人称或复数)
  •       在


  •       公亩(等于 100 平方米)
  •       阿雷(音译名)


      1. a unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters

      Synonym: ar

      1. (be的复数和第二人称单数现在时形式,口语中在代词后常略作-’re)
      Are is the plural and the second person singular of the present tense of the verb be .Are is often shortened to -'re after pronouns in spoken English.


      1. 公亩:适当库存率为月消费量的2~3倍. 红豆的进口数量为一年消费量(预计)减去国 内供给量来计算. 日本政府每年发行两次其相当数量的红豆分配额. 北海道红豆的耕种面积为3.0万公顷(hectare)~4万、平均年产每反地为180~200公斤. 1反=10公亩(are)

      2. are的反义词

      2. are:r; 是〖网语〗

      3. are:activated rractive evaporation; 荷能反应蒸镀

      4. are什么意思

      4. are:asymptotic relative efficiency; 渐进相对效are

      5. are:articulation reference equivalent; 清晰度参考当量

      6. are:all – routes explorer; 全路由探测器

  •       情景对话


      A:Are you sure?


      B:I know what I’m doing.



      A:Why are you so glum?


      B:My girlfriend recently broke my heart.



      A:Are you free this weekend?

      B:Yes, I am.

      A:How about dinner?

      B:Sounds great!

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Are you vegetarian?(你只吃素食吗?)

      These are the people who are helping us.(这些是正在帮助我们的人。)

      We are reminded just how small and how impermanent we are.(我们刚被提醒,我们多么渺小,我们的生命又是多么短暂。)

      By law, you are a child until you are 18.(按照法律规定,18岁之前是未成年人。)

      Are you aware these notes are counterfeit?(你觉察到这些钞票是伪造的吗?)

      We are very sad to hear that you are leaving.(听说你要走了,我们十分难过。)

      Are men God's gift to women? Some of them think they are.(男人是上帝对女人的恩赐吗?有些男人认为他们是。)

      Are you comfortable?(你感觉舒服吗?)

      Our trips are all-inclusive—there are no hidden costs.(我们的旅行费用全包—没有任何隐含性费用。)

      The difference is, you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.(区别在于,你们是盎格鲁撒克逊民族,我们是拉丁民族。)

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      are是什么意思 are在线翻译 are什么意思 are的意思 are的翻译 are的解释 are的发音 are的同义词
