


      英 [bi]

      美 [bi]


      第三人称单数: is 现在分词: being 过去式: was/were 过去分词: been


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       是
  •       有
  •       存在,在
  •       变成,成为
  •       用于表达时间
  •       发生
  •       逗留
  •       正在...
  •       被...
  •       已经...
  •       应该做...,必须做 ...
  •       预定做...
  •       会做...
  •       要
  •       得
  •       待
  •       听任
  •       提供名称或信息时用
  •       描述情况或表达想法
  •       表示所用的材料
  •       表示某物所属
  •       花费
  •       值
  •       等于,等同
  •       出席,到场
  •       不受干扰
  •       前往,造访,访问


  •       =Board of Education 教育部
  •       =Bachelor of Engineering 工学士
  •       =Bachelor of Economics 经济学士
  •       =Bachelor of Education 教育学士
  •       =Bank of England (英国)英格兰银行
  •       =bill of exchange 汇票
  •       【化】元素铍(beryllium)的符号


  •       用于反意疑问句
  •       在被动语态或进行时中代替重复的动词完整形式
  •       表示必须或应该
  •       表示后来发生的事
  •       表示不会或没有发生时用
  •       表述条件
  •       与过去分词连用构成被动语态
  •       与现在分词连用构成进行时
  •       表示必要、打算、可能性、假设等或用来表示将来安排
  •       被…
  •       与另一动词的现在分词或不定式连用表示将来、可能性、义务、职责、意图等
  •       与某些不及物动词的过去分词连用,构成古体的完成时态
  •       与另一动词的现在分词连用表示"继续"
  •       用于虚拟语气


  •       vi. 在,存在 be present; stand; exist
  •       vi. 不受干扰 remain untroubled


      In spoken English, forms of be are often shortened, for example ‘I am’ is shortened to ‘I'm’ and ‘was not’ is shortened to ‘wasn't’.
      在英语口语中,be经常使用缩合形式。如,I am 略作 I'm, was not 略作 wasn't。

      1. (和现在分词连用构成动词的进行式)
      You use be with a present participle to form the continuous tenses of verbs.

      e.g. This is happening in every school throughout the country...
      e.g. She didn't always think carefully about what she was doing...

      2. (和过去分词连用构成被动语态)
      You use be with a past participle to form the passive voice.

      e.g. Forensic experts were called in...
      e.g. Her husband was killed in a car crash...

      3. (和不定式连用表示将来的安排或确定会发生的事情)
      You use be with an infinitive to indicate that something is planned to happen, that it will definitely happen, or that it must happen.

      e.g. The talks are to begin tomorrow...
      e.g. It was to be Johnson's first meeting with the board in nearly a month...

      4. (和不定式连用表示在某种情况下会发生什么事,应该怎样做或应该由谁来做)
      You use be with an infinitive to say or ask what should happen or be done in a particular situation, how it should happen, or who should do it.

      e.g. What am I to do without him?...
      e.g. Who is to say which of them had more power?...

      5. (was和were和不定式连用,表示说话时间之后发生的事)
      You use was and were with an infinitive to talk about something that happened later than the time you are discussing, and was not planned or certain at that time.


      e.g. Then he received a phone call that was to change his life...
      e.g. A few hours later he was to prove it.

      6. (表示可见到、可听到、可发现等)
      You can say that something is to be seen, heard, or found in a particular place to mean that people can see it, hear it, or find it in that place.

      e.g. Little traffic was to be seen on the streets...
      e.g. They are to be found all over the world.

      其他动词用法(OTHER VERB USES)

      In spoken English, forms of be are often shortened, for example ‘I am’ is shortened to ‘I'm’ and ‘was not’ is shortened to ‘wasn't’.
      在英语口语中,be经常使用缩合形式。如,I am 略作 I'm, was not 略作 wasn't。

      1. (用于提供与主语相关的信息)
      You use be to introduce more information about the subject, such as its identity, nature, qualities, or position.


      e.g. She's my mother...
      e.g. This is Elizabeth Blunt, BBC, West Africa...

      2. (以it作主语,用来进行描述或作出判断)
      You use be, with 'it' as the subject, in clauses where you are describing something or giving your judgment of a situation.

      e.g. It was too chilly for swimming...
      e.g. Sometimes it is necessary to say no...

      3. (与非人称代词there连用构成there is和there are表示存在或发生)
      You use be with the impersonal pronoun 'there' in expressions like there is and there are to say that something exists or happens.

      e.g. Clearly there is a problem here...
      e.g. There are very few cars on this street...

      4. (表示主语和从句和其他从句结构之间的某种联系)
      You use be as a link between a subject and a clause and in certain other clause structures, as shown below.

      e.g. It was me she didn't like, not what I represented...
      e.g. What the media should not do is to exploit people's natural fears...

      5. (用在如the thing is和the point is这样的结构中,引导表示陈述或提出观点的从句)
      You use be in expressions like the thing is and the point is to introduce a clause in which you make a statement or give your opinion.

      e.g. The fact is, the players gave everything they had...
      e.g. The plan is good; the problem is it doesn't go far enough.

      6. (用在如to be fair, to be honest或to be serious 这样的结构中表示尽量)
      You use be in expressions like to be fair ,to be honest, or to be serious to introduce an additional statement or opinion, and to indicate that you are trying to be fair, honest, or serious.

      e.g. She's always noticed. But then, to be honest, Ghislaine likes being noticed...
      e.g. It enabled students to devote more time to their studies, or to be more accurate, more time to relaxation.

      7. (有时用来代替现在时态中be的几个常规形式,尤用于whether后)
      The form 'be' is used occasionally instead of the normal forms of the present tense, especially after 'whether'.

      e.g. The chemical agent, whether it be mustard gas or nerve gas, can be absorbed by the skin.

      8. 存在
      If something is, it exists.

      e.g. It hurt so badly he wished to cease to be.
      e.g. be or not to be.

      9. 保持真我;按自己的方式行事;显常态
      To be yourself means to behave in the way that is right and natural for you and your personality.


      e.g. She'd learnt to be herself and to stand up for her convictions.

      10. 非常;极为
      If someone or something is, for example, as happy as can be or as quiet as could be, they are extremely happy or extremely quiet.

      11. 如果不是…的话;如果没有…的话
      If you talk about what would happen if it wasn't for someone or something, you mean that they are the only thing that is preventing it from happening.

      e.g. I could happily move back into a flat if it wasn't for the fact that I'd miss my garden...
      e.g. If it hadn't been for her your father would be alive today.

      12. 尽管那样;即便如此
      You say 'Be that as it may' when you want to move onto another subject or go further with the discussion, without deciding whether what has just been said is right or wrong.


      e.g. 'Is he still just as fat?' — 'I wouldn't know,' continued her mother, ignoring the interruption, 'and be that as it may, he has made a fortune.'

      13. 身体不舒服;身体不适
      If you say that you are not yourself, you mean you are not feeling well.

      e.g. She is not herself. She came near to a breakdown.

      1. 比利时:[地址]比利时沙勒罗瓦 [申请人]阿尔斯托姆比利时股份有限公司 [公开号]1289475 [国家省市]比利时(BE) [国际分类]H02M7/00 [摘要] 本发明涉及由IGBT型静态开关组成的、用直流电源电压(Ucat)供电的功率转换器,

      2. be:bound energy; 结合能

      3. be:barrett ′ s esophagus; barrett食管

      4. be:bases excess; 碱剩余

      5. be:bacteria exudation; 喷菌现象

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:My advice would be to finish it at once.

      B:It’s unnecessary.


      A:Don’t (worry/ be concerned) about the security deposit.

      B:O.K. Great.



      B:Yes, it seems to be (working fine/ operating/ functioning properly).


    自然行事 act naturally


    即使如此,尽管那样 yet; even so


  •       They are/were dancing.
  •       I shall be seeing him tonight.


  •       He was caught.
  •       The job can be done in a moment.


  •       When are we to leave France for home?
  •       Are you to go there by bike or by bus?
  •       They are to send more people to help in the work.
  •       They are to be married.
  •       The products we were to design included different models of motors.
  •       The machine is to be redesigned.
  •       Prices are to be fixed later.
  •       I was to have seen him last Wednesday but he did not come.
  •       We were to have told you, but you were not in.
  •       Visitors are to leave when the bell rings.
  •       The letter is to be handed to him in person.
  •       You are to hand in the exercises tomorrow.
  •       You are not to touch that.
  •       I told him he was not to make that mistake again.
  •       You are to come home at once.
  •       Under this treaty, they were to pay an indemnity for five million dollars.
  •       In future you are not to do that again.
  •       What am I to do then?
  •       Are we to meet again tonight?
  •       Such questions are to be avoided.
  •       The books in this room are not to be taken outside.
  •       But how are we to convince them?
  •       It is not to be denied.
  •       But they were to be discouraged by this difficulty.
  •       We Chinese people are not to be cowed or deceived.
  •       Not a sound was to be heard.
  •       Such people are to be found everywhere.
  •       Buildings of modern construction are to be seen everywhere.
  •       I must continue to learn if I am to make further progress.
  •       If we are to be there in time, we'll have to hurry up.
  •       Better days were soon to follow.
  •       I first met him in 1978, I was not to meet him again for ten years.
  •       If I were to do that, what would you say?
  •       If it were to rain, we should get wet.


  •       Enoch walked with God: and hee was not, for God tooke him.

    出自:Bible (AV): Genesis
  •       Troy is no more.

  •       Some nymphs there are, too conscious of their face.

  •       Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shall be.

    出自:R. Heber
  •       There ain't anything the matter.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       be用作助动词时可与动词的现在分词连用,构成进行时态,也可与及物动词的过去分词连用,构成被动结构。
  •       be可以和动词不定式连用,有以下几点意义:①表示计划或安排要发生的事或打算要做的事,不定式可用被动式,在was或were后用不定式的完成式可表示“本来打算…”;②表示“必须”“得”等,意思接近must, have to;③表示“应该”“宜于”等,意思接近should,有时用来征求对方的意见,不定式可用被动式;④表示“可以”“能”等,意思接近can, may,多用于被动结构;⑤表示“想要”等,意思接近want to, intend to;⑥表示注定要发生的情况,常用于过去式;⑦表示虚拟语气,用于与事实相反的条件句中。
  •       be置于句首引起倒装句,可表示虚拟语气,这带点文学色彩,不太常用。


  •       be作系动词可用于There is/are句型,意思是“有;存在”。
  •       be还可与名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词的现在分词及过去分词、动词不定式或名词性从句连用,以提供名称或信息。
  •       be还可用于It is/was句型,用于描述情况或表达想法,也可用于表达时间等。
  •       be还可与mine〔yours, etc.〕或for me〔you, etc.〕等连用,表示某物的所属。
  •       be还可与表示数量等的名词连用,表示花费、值、等于、等同等义。
  •       be还可与everything〔nothing, etc.〕 (to sb)连用,表示对某人的重要性。
  •       be置于句首引起倒装句,可表示虚拟语气,这带点文学色彩,不太常用。


  •       be与介词或副词连用,可以表示“位于,在(某处)”“(在某时或某地)发生”“留在(某地);逗留”“出席;到场”等。
  •       be用于完成时时,可接介词或副词表示“前往;造访”等。
  •       be和from连用可表示“来自;是(某地的)人”。


be, become
  •       become与be是常用的系动词。其区别是:
  •       1.become是非延续性动词,不可与表示延续性的时间状语连用; 而be则是延续性动词,可表示状态,能与表示延续性的时间状语连用。
  •       2.become不可用于被动结构; 而be则可用于被动结构。
  •       3.become不可接动词不定式; 而be则可接动词不定式。
  •       v.(动词)

    be in, wear
  •       这两者的共同意思是“穿戴”。其区别是:
  •       1.wear后可直接接宾语,而be in的宾语前须有修饰语。例如:
  •       Mary was in her red dress.玛丽穿着红衣服。
  • in有时含有“只穿着”的意思,而wear无此义。例如:
  •       Tom is in shirt.汤姆只穿了件衬衫。
    •       中考真题例句


          Whatever the fillings are, the wrapping(包)skill needs to be exquisite(精美的)to make jiaozi good-looking.




          There was a fear in me that all my school life would be colorless.




          People consider the bamboo boxes to be the earliest schoolbags.




          Hotpot, a special meal that can be shared with friends, is winning popularity abroad.




          Based on its body size, a bat like the greater mouse-eared bat would be expected to live four years.




          The power supply on this instrument had failed, so it could no longer be used.




          It'll be on show at Town Cinema.




          When it will be on show?




          There is going to be a folk music concert in Xinjiang Opera Theater next month.




          If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth some day in the near future.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed.(他们应该被允许等待更廉价的技术开发出来。)

          I'll be ready shortly.(我马上就准备好了。)

          Diversions will be signposted.(临时支路都将设置路标。)

          He can be a real honey when he wants to be.(他高兴的时候挺招人喜欢的。)

          If he doesn't want to be involved, then so be it.(要是他不想参与,那就随他的便好了。)

          Can he be serious?(他难道会当真么?)

          He could be spiteful.(他可能怀有恶意。)

          Power can be intoxicating.(权力能让人得意忘形。)

          'Be careful!' he yelled.(他大叫道:“当心!”)

          Intelligence cannot be overvalued.(智力是无比重要的。)

    •       上一篇an
    •       下一篇a lot

          be是什么意思 be在线翻译 be什么意思 be的意思 be的翻译 be的解释 be的发音 be的同义词
