


      英 [ɪgˈzæktli]

      美 [ɪɡˈzæktli]



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  •       英英释义

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  •       精确地,准确地,确切地
  •       一点不错,完全正确
  •       完全地
  •       恰好地,正好地
  •       到底
  •       正是如此
  •       究竟
  •       根本不,决不,一点都不
  •       不完全
  •       十分
  •       分毫不差地
  •       恰如其分地



      1. indicating exactness or preciseness

      e.g. he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do
      it was just as he said--the jewel was gone
      it has just enough salt

      Synonym: preciselyjust

      2. in a precise manner

      e.g. she always expressed herself precisely

      Synonym: preciselyincisively

      3. just as it should be

      e.g. `Precisely, my lord,' he said

      Synonym: preciselyon the noseon the doton the button

      1. 精确地;确切地;正好
      You use exactly before an amount, number, or position to emphasize that it is no more, no less, or no different from what you are stating.


      e.g. Each corner had a guard tower, each of which was exactly ten meters in height...
      e.g. Agnew's car pulled into the driveway at exactly five o'clock...

      2. 确实如此/并非如此;正是/不完全是
      If you say 'Exactly', you are agreeing with someone or emphasizing the truth of what they say. If you say 'Not exactly', you are telling them politely that they are wrong in part of what they are saying.

      e.g. Eve nodded, almost approvingly. 'Exactly.'...
      e.g. 'We don't know the answer to that.' — 'Exactly — so shut up and stop speculating.'...

      3. 不完全是;不完全对
      You use not exactly to indicate that a meaning or situation is slightly different from what people think or expect.

      e.g. He's not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park.

      4. 根本不;决不
      You can use not exactly to show that you mean the opposite of what you are saying.

      e.g. This was not exactly what I wanted to hear...
      e.g. Sailing is not exactly cheap.

      5. (用于问句中,表示不赞成)到底,具体
      You use exactly with a question to show that you disapprove of what the person you are talking to is doing or saying.

      e.g. What exactly do you mean?...
      e.g. Exactly what are you looking for?

      6. see also: exact

      1. exactly的近义词

      1. 完全正确:21. Easy ! 别急!慢慢来! | 22. Exactly! 完全正确! | 23. Fantastic! 妙极了!

      2. 正是:It's been clean every time.|每次都是阴性 | Exactly.|正是 | It shouldn't bE.He's had extensive skin grafts which hurt like hell.|那不可能 大面积的植皮肯定疼的要命

      3. exactly

      3. 完全准确:Everything will be right. 一切都会好的. | Exactly. 完全准确. | Face to face. 面对面地.

      4. 正合我意:And now to see the end of the football game. 现在去看看足球赛赛的最後一段 | Exactly. 正合我意. | Exactly. 正合我意.

  •       情景对话

  •       经典引文


      A:What is the correct time, please?

      B:It’s exactly twelve minutes past seven.

      A:When will the lecture begin?


      B:It’ll begin at nine o’clock sharp.


      A:Can I have my money back on this skirt?

      B:Anything wrong with it?

      A:Yes, this is defective. See? I didn’t notice this hole when I bought it.


      B:Oh, I’m very sorry about that. You can change it for another one if you prefer.

      A:If you have exactly the same one----size color, same design, and same size, of course.

      B:This one is the same size and color. But the design is different.

      A:Oh, I guess I have no choice. I’ll take this one.


      A:Good afternoon. May I help you?


      B:Yes. Could you change some RMB into American dollars for me?

      A:Certainly, sir. How much would you like to change?

      B:Ten thousand yuan, please. By the way, what is the exchange rate for American currency today?

      A:According to the present rate, one US. Dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.6 Chinese yuan.

      B:OK, here are the ten thousand yuan.


      A:Would you please show me your passport?


      B:Here you are.

      A:Thank you. You'll have it right away. Will you please sign your name on this exchange memo? Here is your money. Please check it. Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America.


      B:Thank you. What exactly should I do with the Foreign Exchange Certificates left with me?

      A:You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station.

      B:Thank you.

      A:You are welcome.

  •       He paid for his lodging exactly and regularly.

    出自:H. Martineau
  •       中考真题例句

  •       高考真题例句

      中考真题例句OG 1.exactly

      It was exactly what I needed.



      中考真题例句OG 2.exactly

      The bus can go to different directions exactly with the help of GPS.



      中考真题例句OG 3.exactly

      The robot can judge the skill levels of human players exactly.



      中考真题例句OG 1.exactly

      No one knew exactly where they came from.



      中考真题例句OG 2.exactly

      But what exactly is a robot?



      中考真题例句OG 3.exactly

      And what did they do, exactly?



      中考真题例句OG 1.exactly

      Not exactly.



      中考真题例句OG 2.exactly

      Yes, exactly.



      高考真题例句OG 1.exactly

      That's exactly what I did.



      高考真题例句OG 1.exactly

      What exactly will you be doing?



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      We haven't exactly hooked up yet.(我们还没有真正相恋。)

      Your answer is exactly right.(你的回答完全正确。)

      Exactly the opposite is true.(事实恰恰相反。)

      I've forgotten where they live exactly.(我忘记了他们的确切住址。)

      Getting it to fit exactly is a tricky business.(使这完全合适是件很难做到的事。)

      Trish had not exactly understood his feelings.(特里希并没有确切地理解他的感受。)

      I know exactly how she felt.(我完全清楚她的感受。)

      Her story coincided exactly with her brother's.(她和她兄弟所讲的完全一致。)

      Eve nodded, almost approvingly. "Exactly."(伊夫几近赞许地点点头。“正是如此。”)

      Exactly what are you trying to tell me?(你到底想对我说什么?)

      exactly是什么意思 exactly在线翻译 exactly什么意思 exactly的意思 exactly的翻译 exactly的解释 exactly的发音 exactly的同义词
