


      英 [ˈfaɪəmən]

      美 [ˈfaɪərmən]




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  •       消防队员
  •       火夫
  •       轮机兵
  •       【矿】瓦斯检查员
  •       司炉工
  •       烧火工人
  •       在紧急时刻上场替补的投手
  •       消防队员救火队员
  •       【矿】煤气检查员
  •       瓦斯检验员
  •       消防员
  •       【矿】救火员
  •       爆破工
  •       煤矿煤气检查员
  •       通风员
  •       救火队员


  •       [C]消防队员 a person whose job is putting out fires


      1. play in which children pretend to put out a fire

      2. a member of a fire department who tries to extinguish fires

      Synonym: firefighterfire fighterfire-eater

      3. a pitcher who does not start the game

      Synonym: relieverrelief pitcher

      4. a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship)

      Synonym: stoker

      1. (通常指男性)消防队员,救火队员
      A fireman is a person, usually a man, whose job is to put out fires.


      1. 消防员:bomber)下载地址:亚特兰蒂斯之光(lumen)下载地址:神殿砖块(temple of bricks)下载地址:番茄超人(captain tomaday)下载地址:黑色合金(metal black)下载地址:毛绒鸟森林(fluff'em up)下载地址:消防员(fireman)下载地址:战斗快艇


      2. 生火:MECHANIC 机工 | FIREMAN 生火 | CLEANER OR WIPER 清洁工


      3. 复合词:weaken使...变弱, 削弱 | 复合词 : fireman | -tion --名词后缀

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       I saw a fireman racing to the fire.
  •       The firemen failed to put out the forest fire.
  •       The fireman..bent to heave a shovelful of coal into the firebox door.

    出自:R. P. Warren
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous.(做个消防队员有时候会有危险。)

      I was knocked but luckily, a fireman saved both of us.(我被撞倒了,幸运的是,一名消防员救了我们。)

      Yes. He's a good fireman.(是的,他是一名优秀的消防员。)

      What's your job? I'm a fireman.(你是做什么工作的?我是一名消防员。)

      You can be a fireman.(你可以成为一名消防员。)

      Wow! He is a fireman. You can guess who he is.(哇!他是一个消防员。你可以猜猜他是谁。)

      The fireman opened the door of an apartment.(消防员打开一套公寓的门。)

      My brother and I were digging around in the snow when the train's fireman came to the window and shouted to us, "Why are you boys digging in the snow?"(我和哥哥正在挖雪,这时火车的消防员走到窗户边对我们喊道:“你们两个为什么在挖雪?”)

      I want to be a fireman.(我想当个消防员。)

      Do you know the fireman?(你认识这个消防员吗?)

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