

      英 [flu:]

      美 [flu]

      动词飞行; 飞( fly的过去式 ); (旗)飘荡; 过得快



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      1. 飞:fleury 百合花纹的 | flew 飞 | flews 下嘴唇

      2. 飞 ( fly的过去式 ):colourful 颜色丰富的,色彩鲜艳的 | flew 飞 ( fly的过去式 ) | pancake 薄煎饼

      3. 飞,驾驶飞机:space 太空 | flew 飞,驾驶飞机 | became 成为


      The plane flew parallel to the coast.(飞机沿海岸线飞行。)

      Suddenly there was a loud crack and glass flew into the car.(突然一阵巨大的爆裂声,碎玻璃飞溅进了车内。)

      At last the plane righted itself and flew on.(最后,飞机终于恢复了平稳,继续飞行。)

      She flew to their bedsides when they were ill.(她在他们生病时飞奔到他们的床边。)

      We flew home via Dubai.(我们乘飞机经迪拜回国。)

      A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet outside his window.(一只乌鸫飞下来,栖息在他家窗外的矮墙上。)

      Without consulting his colleagues, he flew from Los Angeles to Chicago.(在没有和同事商量的情况下,他从洛杉矶飞到了芝加哥。)

      He flew to Los Angeles.(他乘飞机去洛杉矶。)

      The planes flew through the clouds.(飞机穿越云层。)

      He flew back to London.(他乘飞机回到伦敦。)

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